Friday, January 29, 2016

Trump Thinks Americans Are Stupid

Donald Trump believes that Americans are stupid. Why else would he constantly tell us that he gave money to every politician in Washington but never expected anything in return? He has stated that he has given money to every one of his opponents, as well as Hilary Clinton. He has also stated that he is funding his own campaign because he does not want to be owned by the big campaign donors. Yet when he was the big campaign donor, he never expected anything in return.
Donald is doing everything out of the goodness of his heart. But, he speaks frequently about “The Art of the Deal” and contrasts his profound deal making capability against the Obama administration’s horrible deals. He claims that the current administration gives away everything and gets nothing in return. The Chinese and the Iranians have taken us to the cleaners. Hmm, could such a deal maker give away millions to politicians and never expect a little quid pro quo?
He boycotted last night’s Fox News Channel debate under the premise that he believed that Megyn Kelly was biased and therefore he would not get fair treatment. Is this the same Mr. Trump who has stated that Putin would collapse just by the Donald staring him in the eyes? Putin would tremor but Megyn Kelly is too tough for the Donald to handle? The truth is that Mr. Trump had a comfortable lead in the Iowa polls and he saw no advantage of debating at this time.
He also saw hundreds of thousands of Muslims celebrating the collapse of the World Trade Center towers in Jersey City. Unfortunately, nobody else saw it – because it never happened.
How about his Liberty University performance? Trying to woo the evangelicals Mr. Trump quoted scripture from “two Corinthians” when all the evangelicals knew the scripture to be “second Corinthians.” Does Mr. Trump really believe he can fake his religiosity? Or does he just think stupid Americans will believe anything?
Can anyone believe that the United States can round up twelve million people and deport them? He has been challenged several times on this point and he refuses to back down. “They all must be sent home and the good ones will be provided with a fast return process.” If he believes this to be viable, he is not qualified to be the president. Of course he has the common sense to know this is unfeasible – therefore, he is playing we Americans as stupid.
Then there are the constant reminders from Mr. Trump that he is winning by large margins. “America needs a winner.” Okay, for some bizarre reason that I contribute to Americans’ complete loss of trust in its government, Mr. Trump has garnered support from almost 35% of the Republican primary voters. According to Austan Goolsbee, a PhD at the University of Chicago, this 35% of Republican primary voters represents about 14 million voters and to win the presidency in the general election Mr. Trump will need 64 million voters. Does anyone believe that 64 million Americans will vote to make Donald Trump the President of the United States?
Trump has struck a nerve in the American electorate. That nerve has been made bare and sore by the failure of the Obama administration to address the major issues facing our nation in a manner consistent with American values. Trump has identified 14 million of these people and has swept them up in his “Make America Great Again” phenomenon. Believing that another 50 million could be fooled by Donald Trump is a stretch. Do not believe the Trump fallacies, he cannot deliver on his many misleading promises. As Abraham Lincoln said: “You can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time. But you cannot fool all of the people all the time.” I find solace in Lincoln’s wisdom.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Fairway Frank Endorses Governor Kasich for President

The biggest issue facing America right now is the same issue we faced in 2012: political gridlock. Governor Kasich of Ohio recently stated: “The issues facing America are not that hard to solve. The problem is the partisan divide and political gridlock that doesn’t allow smart people to work together to solve our problems.” The previous quote is paraphrased because I do not remember the exact wording. Governor Kasich is right.
The political divide is so deep that you would not be able to determine that the Democrats and Republicans are campaigning for the same office. Watch one debate and you hear a discussion about one set of issues; watch the other party’s debate and you hear a completely different set of issues. They don’t even agree on the issues facing America. Furthermore, each side take turns belittling the other in the manner of our new era of “angry-politics.”
The political divide has resulted in Congress offering no solutions to the problems America faces: national security/terrorism; corporate inversions and loss of jobs; a growing income inequality; out of control illegal immigration; a failing society that has increased racial tensions; eighteen trillion dollars of debt; and a broken heath care system that is on track to break the US Treasury.
Congress’ lack of solutions has caused President Obama to take unconstitutional executive actions that have further increased the political divide.
The political divide, the failing society, and the lack of hope for the future have given birth to angry-politics. America is facing the possibility of either a crude, condescending businessman or a socialist becoming President of the United States. How embarrassing would it be if either Donald Trump or Senator Sanders became President? Can you imagine either of those two men being the face of America? My apologies to Senator Sanders for lumping you in with Donald Trump. I believe that you are a good-hearted, sincere man. My embarrassment with you is your politics. America will never be a socialist country. I say that even though I believe we do need a bit more socialism than we have now (it’s the only heath care fix I can envision). But you are proposing far too much socialism.
The political divide has even caused a fracture within the Republican Party. Yesterday, the conservative periodical, National Review, released an issue with multiple conservative thought leaders speaking out against the Republican’s front-running presidential candidate. Thank you National Review! Although most of your condemnations of Donald Trump were for his lack of conservative credentials, you also included references to his crudeness and narcissism. It is his crudeness that has exploded our partisan politics into angry-politics.  We have not done well with partisan politics, we would do even worse with angry-politics.

Fairway Frank is endorsing Governor Kasich for president based solely on his common sense approach to politics – that politicians must work together and not against each other. If we cannot fix our political gridlock, we cannot address the other problems. I agree with Governor Kasich – none of the problems are hard to solve. We have a lot of smart people in America and we can fix our problems. I also endorse Senator Rubio for Vice President. An Ohio-Florida ticket of two reasonable men would be hard to beat.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ted Cruz’s Citizenship Issue is Ridiculous

Really Donald? Have you sunk so low as to question one of your opponent’s American citizenship?
So, let us think about Benjamin Franklin. He was America’s first ambassador to France. He did not bring his wife with him while he was living in France and he was a bit old already. However, let us assume that he was not married and met a nice French woman, got married (not required in today’s world) and had a baby. Would that baby not be an American citizen? Of course the baby would an American citizen.

Please Mr. Trump, go back to attacking the Clintons. That has been the only useful purpose you have served since you started pretending to be a presidential want-to-be. Furthermore, will the American media please find someone with half a brain to consult with them before you blow Mr. Trump’s outrageous statements into national news material.