Monday, March 9, 2020

VP Biden Will Not Be the Democrat Nominee

Vice President and Senator Sanders will share the debate stage on Sunday night. If VP Biden will either frequently end his incoherent statements with the sentence, "I see that my time is up," or he will make more incoherent statements. After two debates, Senator Sanders will easily take the lead in the polls. The Democrats will begin to panic and allow Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard to join the debates to reduce VP Biden’s talk time (and therefore gaffs).

After two debates, Congresswoman will begin to garnish some support in the polls. It will not be enough for her to win the nomination, but it will be enough to assure that neither Senator Sanders nor VP Biden do win enough for a first ballet win at the Democrat’s convention.

So, we will arrive at the Democrat’s convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 13th, 2020 without a clear nominee. This scenario is either already known or is currently being plotted by the Democrat National Committee. Who do you think the party elite will come up with as the last-minute nominee? Oprah Winfrey? Michelle Obama? Hilary Clinton? John Kerry? Amy Klobuchar?

Amy Klobuchar would be the best prepared and positioned to beat President Trump and she is playing the Democrat establishment politics. You heard it here first.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Democrats Note to Self: "I see that my time is up."

Vice President Biden has repeated "I see that my time is up" many times during the Democrat Presidential Debates. Each time the sentence was uttered, it was preceded by an incoherent statement that even the Vice President realized was going nowhere. He used that phrase to end his (and our agony). Every other candidate talked as long as they could to get themselves and their positions in front of the voters.

To this point the Vice President spoke as little as possible in every debate. Whoever schooled him to stay quiet was smart. When asked what misconception the voters have of him, the Vice President responded, "They think I have more hair than I think I do." I'm sure the Men's Club for Hair found that illuminating, but the remaining three-hundred-million Americans wondered why and how that should impact their voting choices.

Unfortunately, the silent debater gig is up. The Vice President will now be one of three and possibly only one of two on the stage for the next debate. That means he will be given forty to sixty minutes of talk time to express his stance on a variety of topics. If he uses the "I see my time is up" excuse as frequently as in the past maybe he will get twenty to thirty minutes of talk time. But that will be a lot of "I see that my time is up" bumbling.

The alternative to the "I see that my time is up" bumble is more talk time. How many gaffs do you think the Vice President can execute with a full hour of talk time? (60 minutes divided by x gaffs per minute = y gaffs).

Did the Democrats not think of this before they decided to raise the Vice President as their party's chosen candidate?

Note to Democrats: I can see that your time is up. But, I assume you already knew this because the Vice President told you numerous times.

Bottom line, Senator Sanders will clean the Vice President's clock in future debates, the Democrats will either be represented by a socialist or at a contested convention, pull the plug on the populist Senator Sanders at their own peril. Either way, the Democrats will burn down their own house.