Monday, March 17, 2014

Flight 370 – Look in Yemen and Somalia

The Malaysian military did not want to share its radar information on Flight 370 and at least two passengers boarded the flight with stolen passports.  Why should we believe anything coming from Malaysian officials?  For instance, should we believe that they knew how much fuel the plane had when it left Kuala Lumpur?  Does the Malaysian government or Air Malaysia even know how much fuel was on board?  If this was a hijacking (terrorist or just grand larceny) couldn’t the hijackers have had the plane fueled more than the pilots reported (assuming that the pilots were involved).  Or more dastardly, could the perpetrators have broken into the planes computer system and programed the fuel indicator to require a full tank to indicate just the amount needed for the planned flight?  Could the fuel truck operator be in on the plot?

What was in the cargo bay of that plane and how much was it worth?  Could the plane itself be of value to terrorists who like to use planes as weapons of mass destruction?

I am only speculating here but shouldn’t we be looking in Yemen and Somalia?  There are terrorist groups there that would love to have their own 777.  Is Yemen and Somalia on the GPS cone?  If so, don’t rule these areas out based on the Malaysian’s reported fuel level.

1 comment:

  1. I have been thinking the exact same thing. Every since this happened I've thought to myself why don't they check there. Maybe the government's ate covering up something.
