Friday, September 11, 2015

9/11/2015 Week in Review: 3 Presidential Self Disqualifications and Maybe a Fourth in the Offing

It has been quite a week.  Two presidential candidates unknowingly disqualified themselves as being fit to be President of the United States and a third voluntarily stepped out of the race.  A fourth is on the brink of going down soon.

The first to disqualify their self was Governor Rick Perry of Texas.  Governor Perry dropped out of the Republican race due to lack of traction.  He should be commended for not letting his ego get in the way of rational decision making.  He never had a chance and he recognized this fact and made a good decision.  It’s a shame that he threw his hat in the ring four years ago.  The first impression he made was not good and although he was a much better candidate this time around, he could not get voters to see the new Rick Perry.  During his debut debate four years ago he stated that he would immediately eliminate three federal agencies when he became president – but could only name two of the three he would eliminate.  He forgot the third but said he would get back to us.  He looked bewildered and the nation wrote him off.  First impressions are hard to overcome.  In Governor Perry’s case, they were impossible to overcome. 

Hat’s off to Governor Perry for calling out the Donald during his exit speech.  Active candidates have been afraid of creating a duel with the Donald.  I guess a few more drop outs will help shine some light on the crudeness of Mr. Trump’s candidacy (not to mention his human nature).  Governor Perry was among the very few that criticized the Donald even as an active candidate.  For that reason alone, I will miss his participation.

The second to disqualify their self was the Donald.  I cannot imagine how anyone ever thought he was qualified in the first place but the polls suggest that he may have actually had a fleeting chance.  The emphasis in that last sentence should be placed on fleeting.  And, the chance has fled.  The Donald has been given more passes than any other politician I can remember.  This was probably because he is not a politician and spoke about the issues in blunt talk that spoke to frustrated Americans.  Now that he has been in the race this long (who would have thought) he has now become a politician and he will not be given a pass for his demeaning remarks toward Carly Fiorina.  Nor should he be.  I thought the Donald was just having fun self-promoting himself as a pretend presidential candidate.  But, when his poll numbers skyrocketed it appeared as though he actually believed that he could win – that made him a politician.  Politicians do not get passes on demeaning, misogynistic comments.  Sorry Donald, I’m sure your ego is not as salient as Governor Perry’s and you are sure to tweet you agony and anger for days (not very presidential by the way).  But to be honest, we beer drinking patriots love to hear you speak about the things we are worried about in the way we would speak them.  However, we do think policy solutions should be more than “I’ll be great for the military’ –“I cherish women” - “I will repeal and replace Obamacare with something fantastic” and “I will build a wall.”  We are hopeful for policies with more substance than you can muster.  And truthfully, although we loved your crude talk, we would not want to see the President of the United States speak in that manner.  The good news for we sane Americans is that we no longer have to lose sleep at night worried that America will be the laughing stock of the world because the Donald is our President.  I wonder though if he would have put the “Trump” lettering on the White House and Air Force One.  Oh well, another thing to stop worrying about.

The third disqualification is sad.  Vice President Biden is an affable, even lovable man who has been eyeing the White House for a good portion of his life.  The loss of a son would devastate most human beings.  This may be harsh to hear, but I believe that the Vice President has overplayed his pain.  Yes, he has gone through hell.  He lost his first wife, a daughter and just recently his son.  I count my blessing that I have not had that much loss in my life.  With that said, the Vice President has had more time than needed to decide whether or not he is fit to become president.  This is very callous, but I believe that he is playing the sympathy card to garner a following – to enlarge the “Draft Biden” movement.  The Vice President is a lovable man.  However, if he needs this much time to determine if he can devote his “entire heart and soul” into being the President – then he is not qualified to be the President of the United States.  If he were to decide that he can devote his entire heart and soul – that isn’t enough anymore.  I want more than a guarantee of his heart and soul.  I want a guarantee that he nor anyone else could ever provide.  I want a guarantee that no one else in his family will (heaven forbid) die or suffer a serious injury or disease.   If the Vice President does not have the temperament to handle the horrible situation he has endured (and very, very few people do) then he does not have what it takes to be the President of the United States (again, not many people do).  His display of vulnerability has shown me too much vulnerability.  The President of the United States is an enormous burden of life and death decision making.  The Vice President cannot take six months off the job to heal his heart and soul if another family member falls victim to the inevitability of human fragility.  How old is he?  Will his fortitude improve through the mere act of being elected?

Then there is the fourth candidate who has become dangerously close to disqualifying their self.  This would be Secretary Clinton.  In the opposite of Vice President Biden, Secretary Clinton has demonstrated a cold-heartedness that has caused many to question her trustworthiness.  First her official United States government emails were none of our business.  Then 55,000 printed pages of emails were made available after she and her lawyers determined (in a suspiciously short period of time) which were private and which emails were official business.  Then the private emails were quickly deleted.  Now the FBI is investigating and has confiscated her personal server that hosted both personal and government emails to determine what else can be found.  She claims that 30,000 of her emails were personal and none of our business.  Finally, it appears that a State Department computer engineer (who was paid personally by Secretary Clinton separately from his government paycheck) may have scrubbed the Secretary’s server clean so that even the FBI computer forensics team cannot recover any of the deleted emails.  I don’t know about you, but when I delete my emails, I hit the delete button.  I do not hire a computer engineer.  The fact that the same computer engineer has invoked his 5th Amendment right to refuse providing testimony has also raised suspicion to extreme heights.  Watching Secretary Clinton on national television speak of how “transparent” she has been does not give anyone a warm and fuzzy feeling that she is bringing forth the truth. 

Unlike the first three candidates that have self-disqualified themselves, Secretary Clinton has not yet gone that far.  But if the email server was professionally scrubbed – she might as well join Governor Perry and say adios amigos.  Just when the threat of the Vice President running against her is evaporating, she is self-destructing due to her own ill-advised decisions (and worse yet, her attempted cover up).  But to be fair, this is speculation that has not yet been proven.  It’s just that Secretary Clinton’s actions haven’t been as “transparent” as she pretends – and most people’s antennas are attuned to her aloofness and her “I’m above the law” attitude that she exudes.

Stay tuned, more drop outs should be forth coming in the upcoming few weeks.

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