Sunday, December 18, 2016

What Was Worse: Wasserman-Shultz or the Russians?

The Democrats are upset that the Russians may have influenced our democratic process by intervening in the presidential election. There is proof that the Russians did attempt to intervene – but no proof that they were successful. Now the Democrats want the electoral college to overturn the vote of 130 million Americans.
However, when it was proven that Debbie Wasserman-Shultz successfully intervened in the Democratic primary elections, there was no outrage. No call for conducting new primary elections. As long as it was Hillary Clinton that was being advantaged by any election influencing, it was just fine. The Democrat Party elite and the main stream media condoned Ms. Shultz’s actions by their lack of outrage.
Had Ms. Shultz not intervened, Bernie Sanders may very well have been the Democratic nominee and he would have beaten Mr. Trump. Where is the outrage over a true, proven interference in our Democratic process?

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