Sunday, September 17, 2017

Hillary's Woes

I was on top of the world
Unbeatable, unquestionable, ferocious and caring
I had a team for the dirty work
Cheating, lying, hiding and being the jerk
I stayed above the fray
I stayed away from everything
Then it happened
What happened?
He won, how could it be?
I had more votes the president should be me
He had the Russians, the racists and the deplorables
I had the left-wingers
Yet he was the winner
I had the socialist, he the middle-class
Everyone knew that he was the ass
It wasn’t my fault I was the perfect candidate
It was Comey and the deplorables wasn’t that great
Misogyny, sexism, racism, and white supremacy
Let’s not forget voter suppression
I could go on and on but you’d cry for mercy
Throw in Bernie and you can see it’s not my fault
I did nothing, I stayed away from everything
Let me repeat, I did nothing I stayed away from everyting
Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania too
I had no message to be used against me
He had a message that people could see
Did they forget that I am a Clinton?
It was my time
I had served and I was due
After all I’m likable enough
Aren’t I?
Well at least I have a book and a whiny voice too
I may not be president but I won’t be a pawn
I’ll sabotage the man that should not have won
He’s a clear and present danger and believe me I know
I’ve spent years next to one while wearing a bow
When will it end?
When the media stops helping me sell my books
The family business has been crushed and I need the bucks

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