Thursday, October 25, 2018

If the Democrats Win Back the House...

The Democrats have a good chance of winning back the House of Representatives. If so, Nancy Pelosi could regain her previous position as Speaker of the House (putting her 2nd in line to become president if something were to happen to both the President and Vice President).

However, a good number of Democrats running for Congress have gone on record that they would not vote for Representative Pelosi if they are elected. Apparantly, some Democrats correctly see that Ms. Pelosi is not good for the party.

Remember, however, that the full House of Representatives vote for the Speaker. Ms. Pelosi could win with Republican votes. In fact, if the Democrats win the House back, I recommend that Republicans throw their full support for Ms. Pelosi as Speaker. Think of Speaker Pelosi being the face of the Democrat Party as we conduct the 2020 elections. What more could a Republican want.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Democrat’s Conundrum

To be or not to be. That is the question that I ask of D.
To bee the party of political correctness, microaggressions, quiet spaces, stuffed animals and coloring books. Or, to be the party that “cannot be civil” until their back in power, of Maxine Waters in your face, of the anti-fa big whities attacking “little whities” at a Portland intersection. Of running people out of restaurants via verbal assaults that scent of physical threats. And, of Erik Holder "kicking them when they go low."
The party of cuddling or the party of violence? Ah, what a conundrum. And what unclear messages that D is sending to voters.
Look for a “What Happened Part 2” following the midterms. But, don’t expect the D to learn anything new this time either.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Science Behind the Kavanaugh Confirmation Process

Democrats love to say that Republicans are denying science. Well now the shoe is on the other foot. The psychological science is clear that a recovered memory is about as accurate as a dream. Psychological science also dictates that a “survivor” (horrible term) should not process their past trauma in a public setting. However, the Democrats USED Dr. Ford as a pawn to further their political goals with no regard for Dr. Ford, Judge Kavanaugh and both of their families.
Dr. Ford has experienced some trauma. What it was and what or who perpetrated it upon her is unknown. She wanted to remain anonymous for good reason; she is a psychology professor and probably knew what was best. Damn, Democrats are so self-centered that they not only ignored the science, but they caused harm to a lot of people.
I have consulted with a doctor of clinical psychology who is also a licensed psychologist for this wisdom.
Cannot wait for the November elections. That straight Republican lever is looking so sweet.