Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Democrat’s Conundrum

To be or not to be. That is the question that I ask of D.
To bee the party of political correctness, microaggressions, quiet spaces, stuffed animals and coloring books. Or, to be the party that “cannot be civil” until their back in power, of Maxine Waters in your face, of the anti-fa big whities attacking “little whities” at a Portland intersection. Of running people out of restaurants via verbal assaults that scent of physical threats. And, of Erik Holder "kicking them when they go low."
The party of cuddling or the party of violence? Ah, what a conundrum. And what unclear messages that D is sending to voters.
Look for a “What Happened Part 2” following the midterms. But, don’t expect the D to learn anything new this time either.

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