Wednesday, September 30, 2020

First Debate 2020: Trump Won with the Transition of Power Reframing

President Trump lost on demeaner, although Vice President Biden's name calling (racist, clown, liar) did make it a close call. Vice President Biden won on the showing up scale only because nobody thought he could actually pull it off. All in all, it was a painful episode that we all wish we did not wait for with such high hopes and anticipation.

Vice President Biden won on style because he is a lifelong politician that knows it is always a good idea to look straight into the camera and talk to the American people.

But, on substance, President Trump forced Vice President Biden to shun the AOC and Bernie Sanders wing of the Democrat Party by disavowing public healthcare for all and the Green New Deal. He also made the Vice President look awkward with his inability to utter the term "law and order."

All in all, not many minds were changed tonight. However, President Trump's response to the (paraphrased) "will you respect the vote and follow through with a peaceful transition of power" question was brilliant. The President stated that the peaceful transition of power (that the Democrats' constantly imply he is too undemocratic to abide by) was not afforded to him. He won the election only to be met with the Russian collusion hoax, the Ukrainian phone call impeachment trial and endless investigations that handcuffed his ability to get his agenda accomplished. That is a new perspective on the trials and tribulations that President Trump has faced. It is a perspective that will take a few days to resonate. After thoughtful consideration of this perspective, many people will see that it is a valid point and that the Democrats are being very hypocritical of the President (and with their high-horse, hypocritical admonishment of the President not holding up the American tradition of a peaceful transition of power).

The lack of a peaceful transition of power from the Democrats also neatly wraps up the President's first remark of the debate; that he was elected for 4 years and the voters put a Republican majority in the Senate just two years ago. Therefore, he and the Republicans have the duty, the authority, and the mandate to nominate and confirm a Supreme Court Justice. As the President said, elections have consequences.

If one were to tie the loose ends together, the Democrat opposition to the President's nominee is just more obstruction to the peaceful transition of power from the Democrats to the President.

Recap: Style to the Vice President, Demeaner (by a hair) to the Vice President, Substance to the President. First impression: the Vice President won because he was, unexpectantly, mostly cogent for ninety minutes. However, in one week, after some thoughtful analysis, the President will be the true winner of tonight’s debate. The President won by exposing the Democrats as peaceful transition of power hypocrites.

Bottom line: the President wins by introducing a new perspective that exposes not only the Democrats hypocrisy, but the (all-too-eager to diminish the President’s character) press.

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