Thursday, June 9, 2022

Dems’ New Message (Will it work again?)

Re: The January 6th, 2021 televised Congressional hearing of 6/9/2022

The new/old message is/was: “We’re not Trump.” It worked for President Biden. Candidate Biden hid in his basement, let surrogates tell us he would be a moderate and “put a lid” on his work day by 2:30. Americans were so fed up with angry tweets and less than classy discourse from the White House that “I am not Trump” did the trick for candidate Biden.

Since candidate Biden became President Biden, America has been embarrassed in Afghanistan. Russia and China have measured America to be week; resulting in Russia starting a world war that China is ready to join with an invasion of Taiwan. We can no longer produce enough of our own energy. Families can no longer afford gas or food. Crime is at an all time high due to police “defunding.”  2.5 million people are projected to enter our country illegally this year alone. (At least our government is providing our soon to be new neighbors with free airfare to the city of their choice, a new cell phone, a free phone plan, plus some funds to help them start their new lives. A criminal background check should be thrown in as well.) Babies have been hospitalized because we cannot make enough formula. And then, there was the American Rescue Plan that was followed up by that infrastructure thing that together caused that inflation thing. If only the Dems could spend more money - they would fix inflation!

Candidate Biden’s campaign was not limited to “I am not Trump.” He also said he would be the great uniter. Okay, let’s move on.

Nobody wants Trump again, but nobody is falling for the “We’re not Trump” message again. Trump was/is classless but he had a team of competent people with good economic and national security policies. (Not his entire team.) Americans want that competence and good policies without a side of Trump. We want adults to be back in charge. We want the Republicans.

P.S.: I cannot believe that the Dems are still so afraid of Trump, but I am happy they are - it is making them more delusional. I bet even Trump is enjoying their fear.

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