Friday, February 8, 2013

Lessons for the “Stupid Party”

            Governor Jindal recently said that the Republicans have to stop being the “stupid Party”.  That led me to think about the stupid things the Republicans did during the last election.  The list quickly grew quite large.  It became obvious that the list was not just “stupid” stuff" – it was also a list of lessons learned.  So instead of limiting the list to stupid stuff, it was expanded to include other lessons learned from the 2012 election.

Here are the major lessons:

1.         You can have better policies than the competition, but if the voters do not like you, or do not trust you; you cannot win.  Liking and trusting the candidate is more important to voters than the candidate’s proposed policies.

2.         Make sure the candidate is qualified to win the election and to govern the nation;

a.    Put forth a candidate that can connect with the voters.

b.    Present your Party as representative of all Americans – not just rich white guys.

c.     Set standards for candidates to be included in the Party’s public primary elections.  The Republicans cannot allow anyone with a pizza store to represent the Party and retain the necessary dignity for the Party to be able to win the election.

d.    One standard that is directly learned from the 2012 election: the candidate must be willing to release at least ten years of tax returns.

e.    Another standard is for the candidate to never refer to any portion of the population (say 47%) as out-of-play for their votes because they get so many give-aways from the government.

3.         Do not cut the legs out from under your candidate in twenty primary debates and from negative campaign ads from other primary candidates.

4.         Stand for something.  Voters have to believe that you can make things better in bad times and keep things going in good times.  (Assuming that they like both candidates, this becomes important.)

a.    Governor Romney’s evalution from a moderate to a conservative and than back to a moderate did not work (and, it never will).

b.    This was one of the main causes of the vote not turning out for Governor Romney.

5.         Communicate your positions in plain language that voters can understand – not in policy wonk speech.

6.         Do not allow the fringe of your Party to pull you so far right that you start (and end) the campaign without the possibility of winning the majority of the popular vote.

7.         Do not allow Party members in Congress do stupid things like refusing to compromise on any issue.  For example, the debt ceiling fiasco during the summer of 2011 not only caused the debt rating of the United States of America to be lowered, it also lowered the esteem of the Republican Party.

8.         Do not allow the Democrats to define the intentions of your policies.  Vice President’s statement that “they want to put y’all back in chains” was inexcusable but it did define the message the Democrat’s sent loud and clear: the Republicans want to steal from the poor to give to the rich. 

a.    The Republicans never got the point across that spending cuts were needed to sustain the programs that underpin our social safety-net.

b.    Nor did the Republicans justify tax cuts while the national debt was running out of control.  Governor Romney stated that he could lower tax rates across the board but remain revenue neutral by eliminating tax loop-holes.  His failure to be able to articulate a single loop-hole that would be eliminated ate into his credibility at the same time the Democrats were campaigning against him on the basis of his credibility.

c.     The Republicans never connected with voters on the true economic problems that our national debt poses.  Instead, they allowed the Democrats to divert the campaign to issues like the "war on women” and Governor Romney’s tax shelters in off-shore banks.  Every day lost on debating the economy was a win for the Democrats.

9.         Get your voters to the ballet box.

10.     The Republicans will have to beat President Obama five or six more times.

a.    Remember President Clinton’s role in the 2012 campaign?

b.    If either Secretary Hillary Clinton or Vice President Bidden is the 2016 Democratic candidate – they will be viewed as an extension of President Obama.  In fact, it would be a good bet to assume that President Obama will state that eight years was not long enough to get things done – his team needs another eight.

11.     The Republicans will have to beat Bill Clinton three or four more times.

12.     The Republicans have no star or heir-apparent;

a.    The Democrats have Vice President Biden and Secretary Hillary Clinton sitting in the bull pen ready to fire strikes at the Republicans.  Not that the Vice President has star power – but he can run as President Obama’s surrogate and leverage President Obama’s star power.  Secretary Clinton can run as President Obama’s surrogate (if doing so is beneficial) or she can run as independent from President Obama (if, later in President Obama’s second term, things in the country are not going so well).  In either case, Secretary Clinton can run with star power – her own and her husband’s.

b.    Representative Ryan is now a household name.  But can he really connect with the voters?  Maybe he can – but who knows for sure?

c.     Senator Rubio is Hispanic and a great communicator.  However, he has yet to be tested on the national stage.  He too may fair well.

d.    Governor Christie connects with voters and he is very clear about what he stands for.  Will the Republican contenders attack him as they did Governor Romney?  Whoever appears to be the front-runner will be attacked – which goes back to lesson learned number three.

e.    Senator Santorum can connect with the far right-wingers of the Republican Party but he has no broad appeal among the majority of the voters.  The Senator should be barred from ever running again due to the damage he personally inflicted on Governor Romney during the 2012 primary season.  If he runs again will he damage Governor Christie, Senator Rubio and/or Represntative Ryan?  You bet he will - that is how he campaigns.

f.      Herman Cain?  Who let him on the stage?  The Republicans need to establish some standards for who can run for president with the Party’s support – which goes back to lesson number two.

g.    Others:  The above list is not meant to be comprehensive.  There are tens of others who will test the waters.  If they believe that they can get enough signatures on a ballet petition and (more importantly) enough money to run a campaign – they will enter the race.  Let us all hope that there is a Republican out there with the star power of President Obama and President Clinton. 

h.    This does not mean that Representative Ryan, Senator Rubio and Governor Christie do not have that star power.  However, if they do have it, it has yet to be tested on a national stage.  Star power comes from people skills, not from budgeting prowess.  This is not to slight Representative Ryan.  However, it would seem as though Governor Christie and Senator Rubio may have an edge in the people skills arena.

13.     If you do not have a star and/or heir apparent, do not wait for the next primary campaign season to pick (or nurture) one.  Start winnowing the field now.  Start grooming the potential candidates now.  Start show-casing the potential stars on the national scene now.

14.     As evidenced from all the above lessons learned, it can be concluded that the Republican Party is not organized.  A whole new approach to politics is required so that the Party can survive.

During the 2012 election, the Democrats did all of the above items that were under their control (numbers one through nine) and the Republicans did none of them.  In addition to doing all the right things; the Democrats also had President Obama and President Clinton on their team.  Is it any wonder that the Republican’s lost?

The good news is that the Republican’s have four years to prepare for the next presidential election.  The bad news is that they do not know how to prepare. 

This blog post is the introduction to my next book.  The book will be a play book to help the Republican’s get ready for 2016.  Stay tuned.

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