Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Trump Now Scares Me – He Could Actually Win It All

Until today, this blog assumed that eventually America would wake up and smell the Trump coffee, have a laugh, then move onto a serious candidate. If the Republicans were unable to stop Trump, for sure the American public would thwart him in the general election. Today, this no longer appears to be a certainty.
It is not Mr. Trump’s foreign affairs speech today that changed future possibilities. It is the inevitability that Mr. Trump will win the Republican nomination (following his five state victory yesterday) and the realization the Secretary Clinton will not be able to handle the rascal. The speech, by the way, did not make Mr. Trump appear presidential. Being presidential appears to no longer be a requirement for the job. We have allowed far too many of our standards to be lowered.
For all the pundits speaking of the vast experience of Secretary Clinton – she really does not have much street fighting experience. She has competed in two senatorial elections and two presidential primaries. That is three more political campaigns than Mr. Trump has competed in – but both of the senatorial campaigns were not competitive and she lost her first presidential primary. Secretary Clinton was served those senatorial elections on a silver platter by the Democratic machine that loves her Clinton last name. The current primary campaign had no serious contenders. Furthermore, Bernie Sanders let Secretary Clinton off the hook on her questions of character (her emails, her own email server, Benghazi, and the Clinton Foundation donations from people, companies and/or countries doing business with her State Department).
Rest assured that Mr. Trump is not going to give Secretary Clinton a pass on these issues. These issues can severely damage Secretary Clinton’s trust and likability ratings. Secretary Clinton does not have any street fighting experience. but Donald Trump does. He is a down in the mud brawler. He is so unpredictable that the weak retail politician that Secretary Clinton is will be unable to respond with some quick witted response to the outrageous comments that Mr. Trump is sure to make. “Crooked Hillary.”
Then there is the hand grenade that Mr. Trump tossed into the Clinton campaign headquarters (right between Hillary and Bill). That hand grenade is sitting there for Secretary Clinton to think about from now until the November elections. Mr. Trump tossed this hand grenade from the O’Reilly Factor cable show last week. Mr. Trump said that if Secretary Clinton is not prosecuted by the Justice Department for her emails that he (when elected President) might take another look at the case. Mr. Trump stated that the statute of limitations will not yet have expired when he takes office.
There it is, the hand grenade that Hillary has to look at every time she thinks about some negative campaigning against Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump also stated that he expects Secretary Clinton to campaign fairly. If she does not campaign fairly, he will be taking another look at the Justice Department’s investigation into Secretary Clinton.
The hand grenade is brilliant – which is not something this blog has ever stated about anything done by Mr. Trump. As long as Hillary plays fairly (whatever that means to Mr. Trump), she won’t have to worry about going to jail. By the way, numerous legal pundits have stated that Secretary Clinton’s handling of classified emails was a felony. Whether the current Democratic administration will actually bring charges is questionable. So why does the FBI have 147 agents investigating the matter? Why have Secretary Clinton’s top aides just received subpoenas? Why did the techie that wiped Secretary Clinton’s email server clean plead the 5th – and why is he now being granted immunity so that he can testify? Why did Secretary Clinton have the techie wipe the server clean in the first place? Looks a lot like Tom Brady’s broken cell phone and you know how the judge ruled on that. There is a lot of smoke surrounding Secretary Clinton. Does anybody think there could be fire?
 It is unclear why the media have not paid any attention to this hand grenade. Maybe it is because Secretary Clinton gets off easy with the press. The press (along with Bernie Sanders) has given Secretary Clinton a pass on her many serious issues. Maybe nobody else noticed the hand grenade. Really? This blog is the only entity that saw the hand grenade being tossed? Well once the calendar turns to July, the heat will be on. The general election street fighting will begin and the press will have to cover every minute of it - even the to-this-point-in-time ignored hand grenade. Actually, Trump and Clinton are not going to wait until July. Oh, wait a minute – that hand grenade was the first punch.

The general election will be as much of a street fight as the Republican primary campaign has been. America will the laughing stock of the world and it is now very possible that Mr. Trump could win it all. This blog is now terrified.

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