Friday, July 1, 2016

Clinton, Lynch, Arizona – Read the Tea Leaves (and Terrorism in Turkey too)

Nobody bumps into each other on the tarmac of an airport -  not even jet-setters. So when Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton met on the Attorney General’s plane at the Phoenix, Arizona airport, something was funny.
Ex parte communications are out of bounds and both the Attorney General and Bill Clinton (himself a former prosecutor) know this well. Assuming that the investigations are continuing, this meeting was improper. However, remove that assumption and the meeting may not have been improper at all. That is; if one or both of the investigations are completed and an indictment is pending, this meeting may not be out of bounds.
So (according to the Attorney General) they primarily chatted about the Clinton’s grandchildren, their travels, and Bill’s golf game. Oh well, call me a conspiracy theorist but here is how I read the tea leaves: The Attorney General is about to lay the law down on Bill’s wife and she gave Bill the courtesy of a pre-indictment meeting to discuss the manner in which this unpleasant event will unfold. A surrender deal of sorts.
Look for President Obama to be campaigning with the newly anointed presumptive Democratic presidential candidate next week – Joe Biden.
UPDATE at 10:30 AM EDT: The Attorney General has semi-reused herself from the Clinton investigations. She has released a public statement that she will accept the recommendations of the FBI agents investigating the Clinton matters. I would say that this meeting with Bill Clinton worked out very well for the Attorney General. She removed herself from the inevitable firestorm between President Obama and the Clintons that will begin as soon as the indictment comes down. Well done Mrs. Attorney General. All of this also means that the timing may be pushed back a bit further - but I still believe that it is inevitable. Joe Biden is warming up in the bullpen.
And now on to the Turkey terrorist attack…
While I am in this conspiracy uncovering thought process, I have another question. Was it me or did it seem odd that the terrorist attack in Turkey (the nth in a series of n+x in Turkey) was given wall-to-wall coverage by all the major cable news networks (CNN, MSNBC, FNC) some twelve hours after it happened? The previous n-1 such attacks in Turkey did not get this much coverage.
There have been multiple terrorist attacks in Turkey in the past six months alone. Yet, this one, all of a sudden, gets all the attention of a Western terrorist attack (like Paris, Brussels, or Orlando). It deserves this attention as all terrorist attacks do (whether a Western attack or not). But, in the past, non-Western attacks have not received this attention. Could it be that someone of influence (maybe the White House) told the networks that they were being biased in not covering a horrific terrorist attack against an Islamic country?

Turkey, a NATO member, with the attention of an empathetic Western world weary with terrorism could invoke article 5 of the treaty. They already invoked the 4th article that requires that all NATO members meet to discuss the attack on their sovereign territory. Will that meeting result in the invocation of article 5? That is; an attack on one NATO member is considered an attack on all NATO countries. What a better way to declare war on ISIS but through a Muslim country?

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