Thursday, August 25, 2016

Things That Turned My Head This Week, 8/25/2016

The whole world created an ugly American story out of the Olympic swimmers' supposed robbery in Rio. Is it just me or is being extorted at the point of a gun also known as armed robbery? Okay, while in a state of intoxication the swimmers did not act appropriately, but still, armed robbery is armed robbery. The swimmers got a raw deal. The Matt Lauer interview especially irritated me. It was inappropriate, wrongly slanted and replayed way too much. Bottom line, good young men are now paying a price far out of proportion with their misdeeds. I would cheer the endorsers that stand by them. Had such an episode played out in an inner-city of America with African American young men there would have been protests across the country - and rightfully so. And, Matt Lauer would have conducted a much different interview.
The FBI said they found another 15,000 Clinton emails. This did not surprise me. The fact they are still looking is what surprised me. I thought Director Comey said that the investigation was over?
Maybe I was out of the loop on this one. News reports this week informed me that the FBI is NOT investigating the Clinton Foundation and its alleged improprieties with the Clinton State Department. I do not know why I was under the impression that this was an active investigation. I was disappointed to hear that the FBI wanted to start such an investigation but was stopped by higher ups in the DOJ. Maybe that Bill Clinton/Loretta Lynch meeting on the tarmac was productive for the Clintons. Remember this paragraph when you read about Julian Assange later in this random collection of thoughts and reactions.
Until yesterday’s use of “bigot,” Donald Trump had gone a whole week without stepping in his own mess. A week is a long time for Mr. Trump.
Another Mr. Trump item: He is softening his stance on deporting illegal immigrant. The fact that it took so long to get there is what turned my head. His new position sounds a lot like all his Republican rivals that he disparaged during the primary.
The media has begun to question Secretary Clinton’s ethics. Again, this is not a surprise. The fact that it took so long is the surprise. Could it be the new Trump team has not only planted the seeds but brought in the Miracle Grow? Obviously, this issue is going to have a long shelf life. Again, hold this thought when reading about Julian Assange.
Another Secretary Clinton item: Is proclaiming that the Clinton Foundation will stop accepting donations from foreign governments and corporations a marketing stroke of genius? It is the same thing as President Obama calling for gun control immediately following each mass shooting? What happens after such a call – a large spike in gun sales. I can only imagine that the Clinton Foundation will be besieged with foreign donations between now and election day. Foreigners wanting access to the newly elected President Clinton have to pay big before the deadline. Let us follow the donations during the reverse fire-sale.
I also learned this week that the Obama Administration had a written Memorandum of Understanding with the Clinton Foundation in order to assure that Foundation would have a firewall between it and the State Department. How did Huma Abedin’s collection of simultaneous full-time salaries from both the Clinton Foundation and the State Department navigate that firewall? Just wondering.
Julian Assange stated that he has “documents” from the Presidential campaign with a suggestion (but not a confirmation) that they are from Secretary Clinton’s campaign. He also stated that he is holding on to them to stage the perfect release in both timing, format and venue. He did rain on the DNC staff before the Democratic Convention and caused several DNC staff (including Debbie Wasserman Shultz) to resign. But my gut tells me he is bluffing this time. It’s a good bluff. President Obama and Attorney General Lynch have to be wondering what WikiLeaks might have. If they know anything that should end the Secretary’s nomination – and they are not acting on such information, they could look really bad if Julian Assange lets the world know about it. BTW, I wonder who put a stop to the Clinton Foundation investigation.
Finally, this is not a new head turn. It’s just a pondering. Do you think Vice President Biden is prepping for the presidential debates yet? I have to think he should be warming up for the DNC’s call to the bullpen. If Mr. Trump is successful in damaging Secretary Clinton too severely too soon, he will be facing Mr. Biden in November. You don’t need a pollster to figure out the Vice President would beat Mr. Trump in a landslide. If the damage comes late, the Democrats won’t have enough time to rebuild the Party image and even Mr. Trump could beat Mr. Biden in such a scenario. However, even then, Mr. Biden would have a 50/50 chance.

Isn’t presidential campaign season fun?

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