Saturday, May 20, 2017

Accept Trump as Trump

Let Trump be Trump does not work. It requires an individual to proactively grant advance forgiveness to President Trump for any coarseness he may exhibit.  Therefore, for the good of the nation, I ask everyone to please, accept Trump as Trump. Acceptance is passive. It does not require you to condone the coarseness. You can still abhor the coarseness, while acknowledging the good stuff. Acceptance allows our national discourse to focus on the challenges America faces, the ideas to solve those challenges and the compromises needed to make progress.

As you read this article, you will fall into one of two camps: 1) this article will be talking for you, or 2) this article will be talking to you. You will make that determination quickly.

President Trump is not the prototypical president. He is not measured. He can be compulsive. He misuses Twitter. Most of all, he is not Hilary Clinton. Just get over it. Anyone that truly loves America needs to get a grip on this. The torrid of criticism that spews from the mainstream media on an hourly basis is not only ridiculous, it is harmful to America. It is purposefully stopping goodness from happening. The same sentiment applies to the free-speech crushing world of academia and to the government employees that leak America’s secrets out of context – anonymously of course.

The goodness I speak of is lower taxes, affordable health care, better trade agreements, more jobs, a safer America and a safer world. It is also the re-embrace of America Greatness.

If you read my blog, you will see that I was once in the “never-Trump” camp. However, he won the electoral college and he is my president. He is all of America’s president no matter what some protesters’ signs declare. And if he were not to be the President, Vice President Pence would be president and we would still be working towards goodness. And, at the core of this issue is not President Trump at all. The core issue is whether you agree with the election that resulted in American’s voting for this goodness.

If President Trump is found guilty of collusion with the Russians, of obstructing justice, of assaulting a woman, cheating on his taxes, breaking the espionage act, or any other high-crime or misdemeanor, I will be the first to raise my voice for impeachment (maybe not over taxes). However, we are so far away from that place that it is unjust to the man and to the office to be even muttering the “I” word. Please grow up. Donald J. Trump is the President of the United States of America. Our justice system works. If there is any real issue, it will be dealt with properly. Do not judge and convict the President of the United States on national TV without any substantiated facts. Then again, that behavior does further your true objective of impeding President Trump's agenda to make America great again.

President Trump has shown strong leadership in dealing with the Syrian’s use of chemical weapons, in extracting an American family from an Egyptian jail, in letting North Korea know we are no longer engaged in strategic-patience, in strong-arming American companies into investing in America, in cracking down on illegal-immigrant criminals, in cracking down on gangs, in allowing the dream act to remain in place, and in shepherding the American Health Care Act through Congress. President Trump is doing everything that he said he would do when he asked America to make him the President. And, America made him the President.

The rating-grabbing teasers, headlines and unsourced stories are only causing some delusional Americans to believe that they can stop President Trump from making America great again. This is because they do not share the same view of greatness. The debate of what constitutes greatness was conducted during the campaign. The election decided the outcome. That is why Donald J. Trump is president.

I suggest the following changes in your life: 1) stop watching cable news, especially the Constantly Negative Network (CNN), 2) read only your local newspapers, 3) watch one hour of news per day maximum, 4) spend your extra time with your family, 5) and most importantly, ask yourself these questions every time you watch or read a news story:
·       Is there a real source (somebody’s name, not an anonymous source)?
·       Does the publisher of the story (the network or newspaper involved) have a track record of spewing negative stories for one-side but seems to always protect the other?
·       Can the story be attributed to President Trump being a different type of president (i.e.: not experienced in politics and learning on-the-job)?
·       Does the story seem to make a link to ill or even criminal intent without really establishing any known intent? If the Russians attempted to intervene in our democratic process while candidate Trump was speaking of better relations with Russia, can you really conclude that candidate Trump was colluding with the Russians? Okay, General Flynn was in contact with the Russians. Do you think that the Clinton campaign had no contact with the Russians while preparing to take over the White House? General Flynn has other issues but they do not relate to President Trump.
·       Just to make you ponder over the issue of subverting our democratic process: Why is there not an investigation into Representative Wasserman-Schultz's subversion of the Democratic Primary election? Without the DNC’s direct and admitted intervention into the democratic process, Senator Sanders may be the president today. The mainstream media never thought that to be an issue worthy of a federal investigation. Why not? Why President Trump?

Remember Joe Friday; just the facts Ma’am. When I look at the facts, I see an amazing team running the government. I see strength and leadership. I see the world taking notice that the United States is no longer the impotent sleeping giant. I see a lot of action that can do good things for America but I also see a lot of “resistance” that wants to stop goodness in America. I also see a bunch of talking-heads pretending to be patriots but who are only out to line their own pockets through high ratings. I see the media trying to bully the Trump administration because they view President Trump to be a bully. That makes sense, huh?

You know what else I see? I see the “resistance” as an adolescent child who was once the bully of the class but a new kid came to town. The bully is no longer the end-all-to-be-all. And, I see that little brat telling tales out of school in a vain attempt to undermine the credibility of the new kid on the block. The new kid will be a bully if he must for the good of his classmates but not for his own benefit. And, it is not his preference. He would rather be inclusive and let the whole class achieve great things together. In that regard, despite his coarseness, I see the new kid on the block being very presidential.

If this article was talking for you, send it to your friends and have a chuckle at the water cooler. If the article was talking to you, think about it and follow the recommended changes for a week. Then, re-read the article and see if it then talks for you. If it does, send it to you friends. Then, look for new friends. Close-minded people do not like to have their views challenged.

Bottom line, accept Trump as Trump and give him a chance.

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