Saturday, June 3, 2017

Secretary Clinton, not President Trump Aided the Russians

Yesterday, I was surprised to hear Secretary Clinton state that she had no fault in her loss of the presidential election. But what shocked me was that she proclaimed her private server to be a “nothing burger.” It was really the Russians that orchestrated the outcome of our elections.

Well, if it were the Russians that orchestrated the outcome of our election, where did they get the ammunition to perform the orchestration? Oh, it was by being able to hack into the Secretary of State’s private email. Secretary Clinton has stated that the drip, drip, drip of her hacked emails contributed to her losing the election.

On one hand, the private email server was just a mistake for which she “has already apologized.” She also claims that she never intentionally misused her private email server for classified information. But on the other hand, the information stolen from her private email server was so significant that the Russians hacked it to use against her in the election.

While the media are hyper-ventilating over the chance that some of President Trump’s campaign team may have been colluding with the Russians, they still do not consider Secretary Clinton’s handling of her emails as important. Our intelligence community has concluded that the Russians did attempt to interfere in our democratic process, that there is no evidence that the Trump campaign team colluded with the Russians, and that Russians hacked into Secretary Clinton’s private email server. Connect the dots from our intelligence community’s findings to ascertain who helped the Russians.

Is the private email server a nothing burger or the source of the Russian’s trove of negative information about Secretary Clinton that allowed the Russians to subvert our democratic process? That case of “extreme carelessness” looks more and more like gross negligence to me. If the email information was not classified, it was still of national security importance or the Russians would not have used it to interfere in our democratic process.

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