Thursday, June 8, 2017

President Trump’s Obstruction of Justice vs. Sexual Harassment

Mr. Comey, really?

You state that you don’t know whether President Trump’s suggestion of ‘could you let the General Flynn “matter” go?’ raised to the level of obstruction of justice. Whereas at the same hearing you stated that because he was the president that you took his “could you” as a directive. But, did not inform anybody other than your subordinates of your “concerns” that you felt compelled to document immediately thereafter?

If you took it as a directive, why is it not obstruction of justice? Do you ever have the courage to make a decision when there are political considerations involved?

In the same hearing, you stated that maybe you were not strong enough with both the President and former Attorney General Lynch. Let me fill you in – YOU WERE NOT ONLY NOT STRONG ENOUGH, YOU ARE A WIMP. Furthermore, your testimony today convinced me that the President made the correct decision in terminating your employment from my company – the United States of American. Yes, I am a happy shareholder to see you gone.

In my corporate days, I taught a sexual harassment course. One of the principals taught was that if you felt as though you were being harassed by someone that you had the responsibility to inform the offender of the behavior that you found offensive. If the offender continued this behavior after you notified them, you have a basis of filing a sexual harassment claim. This principal did not apply to blatantly offensive behavior. The correlation here is that the President’s behavior was not blatantly illegal and he could have used your expertise to make him a better President for we Americans.

You, a lawyer and government wonk for life, did not think that President Trump could have used some guidance to help him establish his compass as a new president with no political or governmental experience? You could not muster enough courage to do that – not for President Trump, but for me and the rest of the citizens of America that are now watching the second political crises you have created in the past year?

As you stated during your testimony, you are gutless. But you do have a flair for bringing the attention to yourself. Even if it is at the expense of our great country. Now, please go away forever.

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