Saturday, December 8, 2018

Comey Indirectly Admits His Lack of Professionalism

Former FBI Director Jim Comey put his foot in his mouth again. After his day-long session with a congressional subcommittee, Mr. Comey immediately entertained a swarm of reporters that were eagerly awaiting him (and he them). To the question of what Mr. Comey thinks about the Mueller investigation, Mr. Comey replied that the investigation is proceeding “rapidly” and “extremely professionally.” Mr. Comey noted that an indication of his assessment is the fact that you (the reporters) do not know anything about the investigation except for what you can gleam from court papers filed by the investigation team.

Great insight from Mr. Comey. The investigation is “extremely professional” because it does not leak. Now, how did Mueller's investigation get started in the first place? Oh, that’s right, it was triggered by Mr. Comey’s willful and self-serving leak of notes he made regarding his impressions of meetings he had with the President. Notes that are government property and prohibited by law from being leaked. Notes that are also protected by the President’s executive privilege. At least Mr. Comey realizes what professionalism look like, even if he does not practice it himself.

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