Sunday, April 21, 2019

Obstruction is Comey’s Sting Operation

The following is an opinion of the events surrounding the initiation of an obstruction of justice charge against the President of the United States.

 FBI Agent Peter Strzok admitted in a text message to FBI lawyer Lisa Page that they initiated an investigation into “Russian collusion” as an insurance policy to take the president down in the unlikely event that Donald J. Trump would win the 2016 Presidential election. As a result, our nation has been torn apart for over two years by a witch hunt that the FBI had no just cause to initiate. The Mueller Report just confirmed this point. No American colluded with the Russians.

Almost two years ago, FBI Commissioner Comey told the President that he was not the subject of the Russian investigation. Mr. Comey knew there was no just cause to include the President in the investigation. The President requested that Mr. Comey tell the American people these facts. Mr. Comey refused noting that Congress knew the facts. Frustrated with the suspicion being cast on the legitimacy of his election, President Trump fired Mr. Comey.

Then, Mr. Comey purchased reinsurance by illegally leaking a government document to the media. Mr. Comey admitted to this illegal leaking in Congressional testimony. He further admitted that his purpose was to cause a Special Counsel to be appointed. Mr. Comey knows how the FBI works and that a deep dive into almost anyone’s life would uncover something that would not be flattering. More importantly, he knew the President’s temperament and most likely thought the President would fall into a perjury trap (a trusted FBI tactic). The reinsurance policy was a sting orchestrated by FBI Commissioner Comey at the expense of the American people. Now, many Americans are concerned that our President tried to obstruct justice by impeding an investigation that the President knew (and Mueller confirmed) was a witch hunt. Who would impede an investigation that would prove them innocent?

This is not to say that the President acted professionally. He did not. He may have tried pushing some incorrect buttons but was rebuffed by his staff. That is a stain on his character. The fact that he allowed his staff to steer him clear is a sign that he accepted their advice. Donald J. Trump is Donald J. Trump. The American people knew that when they elected him.

Twenty-two months, thirty-million-dollars, and unprecedented division between Americans that has shifted Congress’ focus from solving America’s problems to partisan sniping. Thank you, Mr. Comey, your illegally initiated sting operation is now being taken up by the Congress. It appears America’s problems will have to wait years longer. God help those in need of affordable health care. God help those vulnerable migrants on our southern border. God help our border patrol agents being imperiled by Congress’ lack of action. Sorry, but Congress has no time for you at this point. For now, the sting continues. And, the sting is king.

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