Thursday, June 27, 2019

Debatable Debate Observations

If the Democrats have no better ideas than presented tonight, they have no hope. Which is a good thing.

When the question includes the phrase that 60% of democrats believe that the economy is doing well, is it appropriate to respond that the economy is only working for the rich? Maybe 60% of democrats are the rich. How do you win when running against 60% of your own party? This pretty much sums up the democrats’ chances.

Tulsi Gabbard had the best moment when she told Representative Ryan that “being engaged” is an unacceptable answer to the parents of dead soldiers.

NBC was picking winners by whom they allowed to butt in, whom that did not and by who they called on most frequently. They mostly allotted time according to each candidate’s polling position. However, Mayor DeBlasio was allowed to butt in when the other lesser candidates were not.

NBC’s favorites: Castro, Booker, Warren, O’Rourke, Klobuchar and maybe DeBlasio.

Warren had a nice closing statement, but she was a wallflower through most of the event.

Fluency in Spanish is now required to be a witness to the entire political discussion.

It should not be a crime for a foreigner to enter our country without a visa. Every migrant here, coming here or thinking about coming here should be welcomed with government programs to help them get and stay here.

NBC did a horrible job of running the debate. Technical sound problems interrupted the debate, the moderators did not drill down for details and Lester Holt had to tell Chuck Todd where he was. As a 
result, the candidates were allowed to make feel good promises without having to explain how they could deliver. But when you allow ten candidates on the stage, it’s difficult to drill down.

Every democrat is for abortion at the sole discretion of the involved woman and the government should pay for whatever the woman demands.

The Democrats would all cave to Iran and re-sign the Obama deal. It’s too scary now. We should give the Iranian’s what they want.

Individuals should be taxed up to 70% and businesses 28%.

Biggest winner, Gabbard for her zing of Ryan. Biggest loser, Ryan.

Second place: Castro. He was given a lot of time and he made the most of it. Second biggest loser: Klobuchar. She was higher in the polls so got more questions. She didn’t falter but didn’t shine. She had more to lose than most and she lost it.

Luckiest candidate: Warren. None of the candidates went after the front leader of tonight’s pack.

Most courageous candidate: tie between DeBlasio and Castro. DeBlasio had the presence to start talking at the end of another candidate’s answer and Castro called O’Rourke on the specifics of his immigration plan. Castro was making the point about repealing the law that makes it illegal for migrants to cross the border.

DeBlasio also had the courage to state what Democrats should be for: 70% taxes, free college, free pre-school, public healthcare, abortions at will, and a Marshall Plan for the Latin America countries where our immigrants are coming from. (I believe that the Marshall Plan was to rebuild physical infrastructure for countries that already had strong social infrastructures and institutions. What good would physical infrastructure do without social infrastructural?)

My personal ranking of the performances (not on policy positions but on wooing the audience, I must admit, I don’t agree with any of their positions): Gabbard, Castro, Booker, DeBlasio, O’Rourke, Warren, Klobuchar, Delaney, Ryan, Inslee.

Overall impression, tired policy ideas (not to mention outside of working class values), no signs of leadership, and boring personas. I think it was DeBlasio that stated that the democrats had to be the party of the working cleass again. If so, they should do some polling of their policies with the working class. But that wouldn't work with the coastal elites that run their party.

Donald Trump can sleep well tonight.

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