Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Special Counselor Mueller Just Drove the Nails into the Impeachment Coffin

Robert Mueller is still testifying to the Congressional Judicial Committee. Representative Nadler started out well by getting Mr. Mueller to state that he did not (as President Trump has stated) exonerate the President.

It went down hill from there. Mr. Mueller looks like a deer in headlights. Imagine the impeachment proceedings with Mr. Mueller as the lead witness.

Mr. Mueller performance leads one to believe that he does not know the basic facts of the investigation that he led. He appears very incompetent. Who was in charge of the investigation?

Mr. Mueller established bounds on what he would testify to and when convenient, he violated the bounds and, also when convenient, invoked the bounds. He made statements contrary to his written report and when alerted to such contradictions, simply stated that the report is correct.

Today's testimony will finally put the Russian-Collusion-Delusion and the obstruction of justice matter to bed. (BTW, I used "matter" on advise from a former AG.) There is no there there and there is no prosecutor riding in on a white horse to save the Democrats. And, ironically, that will be good for the Democrats. Mr. Mueller's performance will save the Democrats from themselves by putting an end to an impeachment.

I apologize to Mr. Mueller for this harsh reporting. He is a great American that has served his country with distinction. We should all thank him for his service. His problem with this situation is that his skills are no longer what they once were. Mr. Mueller should be forgiven for this current wrongdoing and remembered for his previous, great service.

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