Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Dem-Dumb and Dem-Dumber

     What has cast the Democrats as dumb? Let us examine a few facts. The Democrats are promising open borders with welfare, free healthcare, free pre-K, and free college for all that cross our borders. At one debate, every Democrat candidate rose their hand to the question: “Who would decriminalize an illegal crossing of our border?” They have put forth twenty-plus candidates that do not resonate with the American public. The continue to drag our country into witch-hunt after witch-hunt. They now want to overthrow the people’s vote by impeaching the President on frivolous charges. They are so disorganized that Michael Bloomberg has decided that he needs to jump into the race to bail them out. And, even Hilary Clinton is telling the public that she is being pressured to join the race.

     Could they possibly get dumber? How about holding public impeachment hearings and making Representative Adam Schiff the face of the Democratic party? Representative Pelosi ceded to the radicals of her party for fear of losing her speakership. Now the next election will have the people remove her speakership. Dumb and Dumber applies to all Democrats pushing for the impeachment. But, to put faces to the Dumb and Dumber, think of Representatives Pelosi and Schiff.

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