Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Democrats Just Don't Get It

Watching the Democrat Presidential debate last night, I was awe struck by the number of times that President Trump was mentioned. It is clear that the Democrat's platform is that "we are not Donald Trump." It was also dumbfounded by the lack of awareness and lack of common sense displayed.

All the Democrats attest to the harm the trade tariffs are doing to the little people. According to the candidates, the tariffs are increasing the corporate GDP but hurting the little guy. The tariffs are causing real harm to everyday Americans. Do the Democrats ever support labor unions when they strike? Do strikes not hurt the little guy in the short term but benefit them tremendously in the longer run? Shortsightedness is shared by all the Democrat candidates and the little guy knows it.

Besides the lack of awareness of negotiating tactics, hasn't anyone told the the Democrats that unemployment is at a 50-year low? That real wages are rising, that more blacks, Hispanics and women have jobs than ever before? Does anyone think a Democrat can win because the economy is horrible for the little guy?

The Democrats have accused President Trump of being in bed with Russia and Putin ever since he was elected (before he was sworn into office). They even tried to impeach him on "collusion." Now, President Trump is the bogey man because he is standing up to Iran. They all claim he is bringing us to the brink of war and will undoubtedly push us over the brink. And, according to the candidates, all the war-mongering is for the President's own personal, political gain. Wait a minute, isn't Iran and Syria in the Russian camp. Could President Trump be standing up to another Russian proxy? The Democrats do not see this, but the little guy in the street does.

Maybe the Democrats can see the irony in President Trump standing up to a Russian proxy but are just wishing that the little guy will not.

Speaking of standing up to Iran, successful parents teach their children to stand up for themselves. To not cower to the bully in the schoolyard. The parent knows that the child may get beat up once, but by fighting back, they will most likely not get pushed around and be afraid to go to school everyday. The little guy gets this. They realize that there are potential perils in the President's Iran stance. But, they also realize that peace through strength works. Rather a small skirmish than an emboldened Iran with a nuclear arsenal. An Iran aligned with Russia and Putin. And, the little guy knows that any skirmish with Iran will not become WW-III.

Bottom line of the debate, the Democrats have nothing new to offer, they plan to run on "Trump is the bogey man" and the little guy sees this. Those who enjoy the entertainment value of the Democrats' debates enjoy it because they see the folly and see President Trump's reelection.

If I were a Democratic candidate, here is what my platform would be: President Trump has done an amazing job of strengthening our economy and in forcing our enemies to respect the United States again. I will continue pursuing better trade deals, continue tariffs if needed to obtain better deals, I will continue to rebuild our military and continue deregulating our businesses as long as we can do so without harming our environment. I will work with governors to push the criminal justice reforms that President Trump pushed through at the federal level down to state and local levels. I will be as forceful with world leaders as President Trump has been with regard to NATO funding, trade relations, and economic cooperation. However, my forcefulness will be more discrete. More public hand-shacking and more private hand-wringing. More personal phone calls to world leaders and less tweets. My platform is that I will be President Trump with less crudeness. I will be Donald Trump with a statesman-like quality.

Then again people are starting to embrace the President's crudeness as well as his policies. I know I often get a chuckle with some of his tweets and remarks. Poor Democrats have no chance.

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