Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Democrats Are Addicted to Trump

During the last presidential election campaign, Donald J. Trump received more media attention than all of his competitors combined. Even Hilary Clinton remarked that she could not turn on her TV at 3 in the morning without seeing Donald Trump. The overwhelming majority of all the free media coverage was negative. However, the old adage must be true: ALL publicity is good publicity. Donald J. Trump became President Trump as a result of all the free publicity - on a shoe-string budget of a campaign. Even Mike Bloomberg has enough money to compete with the coverage that President Trump will continue to receive.

The Democrats cannot see that they are continuing down the same rabbit hole. A hole that President Trump has led them to for the past three years.

The Democrats crave the take-down of President Trump as a drug-addict craves his next hit. They cannot help themselves. The only difference between the Democrats and a drug-addict is that there is help available to drug-addicts.

This my dear reader, is the genius of Donald J. Trump.

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