Friday, October 30, 2015

Congratulations President Obama – Taking a Stand in Syria is a Great Start

The breaking news today is that President Obama is sending special operation troops into Syria to train and assist Kurdish and some Syrian insurgents in their fight against ISIS. Finally, the United States is taking the fight to an organization that is now capable of global terror and is no doubt planning attacks against the American homeland. In addition to fighting ISIS, this move also puts Arab countries on notice that America is not relinquishing its influence in the Middle East. Moscow should take notice.

Until this time, President Obama has projected American weakness that has shaken the world order. Just as financial markets falter during times of uncertainty, civilization also falters when it is uncertain as to whether or not the good guys will defend freedom and human rights. That is how Al Qaeda, the Taliban and other terrorists grow in power and territory. Well, assuming this is just a start, President Obama is providing some certainty for global affairs. Terror groups should take note.

It is a real possibility that Russia will test President Obama’s resolve by bombing very close to the American forces in Syria; even targeting the Kurds and Syrian rebels we will be working with. We should be ready for this and immediately have a jet fighter on the tail of the Russian bomber with a signal to let the pilot know he has been targeted. If it happens a second time, more drastic measures will be required. Let us hope we never get to that point; but we must let the Russians know we mean business.

Initial reports are that the number of troops is very small. It can only be assumed that this is a start and that more and more troops will enter Syria as each preceding deployment clears a path for the safe arrival of the next. The other action that we should be simultaneously taking is wiping out ISIS in Iraq. Keep it up Mr. President, it is not just Syria and ISIS at stake but the defense of our homeland and America’s role as the world power of goodness. It is about the certainty of civilization.

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