Thursday, October 22, 2015

Trey Gowdy - Please Turn Off the Cameras

Dear Representative Gowdy,

Let me introduce myself. I am a center-right leaning, independent American. Many people read my blog and believe that I am very conservative. I seldom agree with the Democrats’ view, but often with the Republicans’. If you read a sample of my previous postings you will see how I think on most issues. Today, I am proud to not be a member of either political Party. I am a registered Independent. Now that you know me, here is my request:

Please turn the cameras off in your Benghazi hearings with Hilary Clinton. I ask this as a service to you and your fellow Republicans. You probably are not aware of the fact that you are embarrassing yourself. The country has suffered greatly from the Benghazi attack and Americans mourn the loss of four of our fellow citizens. The country would like to know that our leaders are taking the necessary actions to avoid re-making the mistakes of Benghazi. You are not doing this.

What we Americans want to know is: Why were there any Americans in Benghazi at that time? We also want to know if we got the terrorists that committed the horrible acts in Benghazi (we are aware of the capture of Ahmed Abu Khatalla but not of any others). Answer those questions and turn the lights off.

The ridiculous questioning of Secretary Clinton with regard to emails she received from Sid Blumenthal are meaningless to us. Worse than that, we find it appalling that our taxes are funding such ridiculous lines of questioning.  The political nature of these hearings are so obvious that it is embarrassing to all Americans.

Secretary Clinton provided the most profound “new” information today when she stated that America has suffered numerous terrorist attacks in the past with loss of American life – but there was no partisan driven witch hunts (I am paraphrasing).  Secretary Clinton noted that both parties came together after such attacks to heal and to strengthen our defenses. You are not doing this.

It is not your committees charge to submarine Secretary Clinton’s presidential ambitions.  And, unless I am living on another planet that is what it appears that you and all the Republican members of your committee are doing today.

Fairway Frank

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