Wednesday, September 30, 2020

First Debate 2020: Trump Won with the Transition of Power Reframing

President Trump lost on demeaner, although Vice President Biden's name calling (racist, clown, liar) did make it a close call. Vice President Biden won on the showing up scale only because nobody thought he could actually pull it off. All in all, it was a painful episode that we all wish we did not wait for with such high hopes and anticipation.

Vice President Biden won on style because he is a lifelong politician that knows it is always a good idea to look straight into the camera and talk to the American people.

But, on substance, President Trump forced Vice President Biden to shun the AOC and Bernie Sanders wing of the Democrat Party by disavowing public healthcare for all and the Green New Deal. He also made the Vice President look awkward with his inability to utter the term "law and order."

All in all, not many minds were changed tonight. However, President Trump's response to the (paraphrased) "will you respect the vote and follow through with a peaceful transition of power" question was brilliant. The President stated that the peaceful transition of power (that the Democrats' constantly imply he is too undemocratic to abide by) was not afforded to him. He won the election only to be met with the Russian collusion hoax, the Ukrainian phone call impeachment trial and endless investigations that handcuffed his ability to get his agenda accomplished. That is a new perspective on the trials and tribulations that President Trump has faced. It is a perspective that will take a few days to resonate. After thoughtful consideration of this perspective, many people will see that it is a valid point and that the Democrats are being very hypocritical of the President (and with their high-horse, hypocritical admonishment of the President not holding up the American tradition of a peaceful transition of power).

The lack of a peaceful transition of power from the Democrats also neatly wraps up the President's first remark of the debate; that he was elected for 4 years and the voters put a Republican majority in the Senate just two years ago. Therefore, he and the Republicans have the duty, the authority, and the mandate to nominate and confirm a Supreme Court Justice. As the President said, elections have consequences.

If one were to tie the loose ends together, the Democrat opposition to the President's nominee is just more obstruction to the peaceful transition of power from the Democrats to the President.

Recap: Style to the Vice President, Demeaner (by a hair) to the Vice President, Substance to the President. First impression: the Vice President won because he was, unexpectantly, mostly cogent for ninety minutes. However, in one week, after some thoughtful analysis, the President will be the true winner of tonight’s debate. The President won by exposing the Democrats as peaceful transition of power hypocrites.

Bottom line: the President wins by introducing a new perspective that exposes not only the Democrats hypocrisy, but the (all-too-eager to diminish the President’s character) press.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Leaders Make Decisions About Death All the Time – Right Now It is Badly Needed

Politicians and the media are saying that reopening our economy would be a crime against all humanity. "We cannot put one person's life at risk!" The truth is that decisions regarding death are made much more frequently than people realize. People that have spent a life in politics seem to not understand this fact.

When I was a freshman of engineering at Drexel University, I took a mandatory course on Engineering Ethics. The professor opened the first lecture with this statement and question: “When construction of the Walt Whitman Bridge was considered, it was estimated that it would cost $200 million dollars (I don’t remember that cost estimate so I fudged it) and it would also cost the lives of 6 workers during the construction. How did a cost benefit analysis ever justify the construction of that bridge considering that lives would be lost?”

I answered the professor’s question. with another question: “How many lives would the bridge save once it is in use?” The professor was pleased with my quick response and asked me how the bridge would save lives? I replied that people would be able to get to hospitals faster, and that more direct travel routes would reduce travel distances and traffic congestion which would reduce automobile accidents. The professor told me that my answer was exactly the cost benefit analysis that justified the bridge’s construction.

My answer to justify known loss of life seemed to be common sense to me. But now I view the nightly news and wonder how people can be so foolish with the corona virus and the need to reopen our economy. Have we lost our common sense?

Think of other endeavors that people knew would cost lives: NASA and the quest to reach the moon. How much more risk can a human being take than strapping themselves to a rocket that will take them out of earth’s gravitation and into an uninhabitable environment for the sake of adventure. But it was not for adventure. It was for protection. We raced to space because we feared that the Soviet Union would get there first and put us in a vulnerable position militarily. We took the risk of a few lives to protect all Americans’ lives. We lost lives, but we were all safer for it.

Think about drug trials in human beings. There are risks, but if a drug proves effective, it may save many lives. Think of military exercises. It is awful when we hear the news that a few of our military personnel have lost their lives during exercises. But it is those exercises that keep us safe from our enemies that could cause much more harm.

Courageous leaders take the decisions to conduct space exploration, to test drugs on humans, to conduct military exercises and to build bridges, skyscrapers, airports, railways, and highways. They take every reasonable measure to prevent the loss of life and/or injury, but they know zero-loss-of-life is not possible. The result of these difficult decisions is progress.

Hell, every time we get in a car, we are making a decision involving potential death. However, we believe that the chance of the deadly accident occurring to us is so infinitesimal, that we drive ourselves to where we want to go. Some people do not complete their trip. Today, 38,000 Americans are killed in car accidents every year, but politicians do not ban driving. In 1970 the number killed was 52,000 with fewer people on the road. We keep learning more and better ways of making cars and driving safer. However, we do not stop driving to wait for the safety improvements we know will come next year.

In our current corona virus environment, it may have been wise to pause the economy to learn about the virus and ways to combat it. The primary concern was not having enough healthcare resources to handle the virus. We now know we can handle the healthcare workload. It is now time to make the difficult decision to risk lives and put America back to work. Another pause, if our healthcare resources become overwhelmed, is still possible (but should be regional). But let us cross that bridge if we get there.

The government has thrown about 3 trillion dollars of bailout money to keep the economy on life support. On top of that the Federal Reserve has said it can throw another 3 trillion dollars into buying bonds to keep the credit markets working. And, most importantly, we have learned that the corona virus is not as deadly as originally feared. It is awful to be sure, but it will not obliterate mankind.

What justifies returning to work when we know lives will continue to be lost? Saving even more lives by allowing people to work.

Work puts purpose into many lives. There is all too common a view that work is a chore, but people know it is how they provide for themselves and for their families. These simple facts mean that work puts purpose into people's lives. Putting purpose back into people’s lives will steer them away from drug and alcohol abuse and reduce the mental health and suicide problems that are increasing in this period of isolation. And it will prevent hunger. Yes, people are dying from corona virus, but people die from the flu as well (up to 125,000 Americans per year). Yet, we do not shut down the economy every flu season.

Then there is the final justification - we need to pay for all the government bailouts by working and paying taxes. Keep the economy shut down for much longer and printing money will no longer work. The people that are currently able to make donations to food banks will no longer be able to make those donations. Think about not having the money to pay for our social safety net (government and private). This is not a pretty picture. Worldwide, due to a lack of American charity, estimates of up to 60 million children will die from hunger this year.

Continuing to add barriers such as on-demand testing for every American whenever they want a test, or to track and source-trace every new case of the virus is preposterous (we have never done this for the flu or any other novel disease). These are excuses that stop leaders from taking the decision that involve known death. I am sorry to say, it is cowardness. A lack of courageous leaders taking the difficult decisions will lead to even more death. It is time for courageous leaders.

Maybe next year we will have on-demand testing and 100% source-tracing. Maybe next year a self-driving car will eliminate all car accidents. Until then, we still have to pay the bills.

FYI: My college professor ended the discussion of the Walt Whitman Bridge construction by informing the class that not a single life was lost during construction. By the time construction started, a new technology of safety nets had been put into practice. Quite a different story from the 13 lives lost on the Ben Franklin Bridge that was built almost a century earlier about 2 miles north across the same Delaware River. However, there was still loss. After engineering school, I married a fellow Philadelphian. Her uncle was an iron worker on the bridge. He fell only 8 feet but was paralyzed from his waist down for the rest of his life. (Maybe next year we will have a corona vaccine.)

Monday, March 9, 2020

VP Biden Will Not Be the Democrat Nominee

Vice President and Senator Sanders will share the debate stage on Sunday night. If VP Biden will either frequently end his incoherent statements with the sentence, "I see that my time is up," or he will make more incoherent statements. After two debates, Senator Sanders will easily take the lead in the polls. The Democrats will begin to panic and allow Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard to join the debates to reduce VP Biden’s talk time (and therefore gaffs).

After two debates, Congresswoman will begin to garnish some support in the polls. It will not be enough for her to win the nomination, but it will be enough to assure that neither Senator Sanders nor VP Biden do win enough for a first ballet win at the Democrat’s convention.

So, we will arrive at the Democrat’s convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin on July 13th, 2020 without a clear nominee. This scenario is either already known or is currently being plotted by the Democrat National Committee. Who do you think the party elite will come up with as the last-minute nominee? Oprah Winfrey? Michelle Obama? Hilary Clinton? John Kerry? Amy Klobuchar?

Amy Klobuchar would be the best prepared and positioned to beat President Trump and she is playing the Democrat establishment politics. You heard it here first.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Democrats Note to Self: "I see that my time is up."

Vice President Biden has repeated "I see that my time is up" many times during the Democrat Presidential Debates. Each time the sentence was uttered, it was preceded by an incoherent statement that even the Vice President realized was going nowhere. He used that phrase to end his (and our agony). Every other candidate talked as long as they could to get themselves and their positions in front of the voters.

To this point the Vice President spoke as little as possible in every debate. Whoever schooled him to stay quiet was smart. When asked what misconception the voters have of him, the Vice President responded, "They think I have more hair than I think I do." I'm sure the Men's Club for Hair found that illuminating, but the remaining three-hundred-million Americans wondered why and how that should impact their voting choices.

Unfortunately, the silent debater gig is up. The Vice President will now be one of three and possibly only one of two on the stage for the next debate. That means he will be given forty to sixty minutes of talk time to express his stance on a variety of topics. If he uses the "I see my time is up" excuse as frequently as in the past maybe he will get twenty to thirty minutes of talk time. But that will be a lot of "I see that my time is up" bumbling.

The alternative to the "I see that my time is up" bumble is more talk time. How many gaffs do you think the Vice President can execute with a full hour of talk time? (60 minutes divided by x gaffs per minute = y gaffs).

Did the Democrats not think of this before they decided to raise the Vice President as their party's chosen candidate?

Note to Democrats: I can see that your time is up. But, I assume you already knew this because the Vice President told you numerous times.

Bottom line, Senator Sanders will clean the Vice President's clock in future debates, the Democrats will either be represented by a socialist or at a contested convention, pull the plug on the populist Senator Sanders at their own peril. Either way, the Democrats will burn down their own house.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Trump is Mocking the Democrats and They Do Not Know It

Just below this short discussion is my post from January 23rd of this year. In that post I noted that President Trump is a genius the way he pulls the strings to rile up the Democrats. He sets them off digging one, giant deep hole for themselves and occasionally he provides a little bit of fuel to keep their enthusiasm high in their digging escapades. As a side benefit, the President receives hours of free publicity. And, all publicity is good publicity.

The most recent fuel added to the fire is the sentencing Tweets regarding Roger Stone. The Democrats are going crazy over an issue that 99% of Americans do not care about. The only thing most Americans will remember about this latest dust-up is that the Democrats went hyperbolic again, and again President Trump was not injured as a result. For the voter looking for a strong leader, who looks stronger, the repeated failing Trump-attackers, or The President?

Maybe the Democrat Presidential hopefuls should take a lesson from this and stop being Trump-attackers lest they be lumped in with the rest of the losing Democrat majority. They surely do not want to look weak before they even have a chance to go head-to-head with the President.

Look for a pardon after the sentence is handed down to start the next round of Democrat craziness.

January 23, 2020 "Democrats are Addicted to Trump

During the last presidential election campaign, Donald J. Trump received more media attention than all of his competitors combined. Even Hilary Clinton remarked that she could not turn on her TV at 3 in the morning without seeing Donald Trump. The overwhelming majority of all the free media coverage was negative. However, the old adage must be true: ALL publicity is good publicity. Donald J. Trump became President Trump as a result of all the free publicity - on a shoe-string budget of a campaign. Even Mike Bloomberg has enough money to compete with the coverage that President Trump will continue to receive.

The Democrats cannot see that they are continuing down the same rabbit hole. A hole that President Trump has led them to for the past three years.

The Democrats crave the take-down of President Trump as a drug-addict craves his next hit. They cannot help themselves. The only difference between the Democrats and a drug-addict is that there is help available to drug-addicts.

This my dear reader, is the genius of Donald J. Trump.

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Trump Impeachment Rebuttal: Less is More

The Democrats have bored America with endless arguments that I am sure they do not even believe themselves. They are not attempting to convince the Senate. They are trying to convince the American people that President Trump is evil and therefore, should not be reelected. They know President Trump will not be convicted, so what else could their motivation be? The problem is nobody is watching. The ratings were dismal on Wednesday and then dropped from dismal to abysmal on Thursday.

My advice to the president’s defense team: announce today that your opening remarks will take two hours or less. Include a statement that the Democrats case is so weak that no more time is needed. That once the American people hear the truth, they will be disgusted with the do-nothing Democrats. This television "teaser"  will spike the ratings for the Trump defense team. 

Then just focus on the obvious facts that disprove the House's case. There is no such thing as obstruction of congress when the President follows the constitutional process of appealing to the courts. This matter should take five minutes. As for the abuse of power accusation, maybe an hour will be required, but no more. The transcripts were released which proved there was no verbal offer of a quid-pro-quo, the President of Ukraine did not know anything about the arms shipments being withheld and never felt pressure. Furthermore, the weapons were delivered in the timeline prescribed by Congress. There is corruption in Ukraine and the president was protecting our tax money. Five minutes could be used to humorously mention that the Democrats are reaching back to the Mueller probe of Russian collusion because they know they have no case on the two articles of impeachment they put forth. But, there is no need to contest any Muller or Russia points raised, they are not included in the articles of impeachment the Senate will rule on. Finally, play the video of Joe Biden bragging about how he bribed the Ukrainians to fire a government official and the video of Hunter Biden's 20/20 interview.

If the Democrats wanted to convince the American people, they should have laid out a compelling case in a concise manner. One pound of understandable facts contains much more persuasion than ten-thousand pounds of horse manure. I only hope the defense team does not take the bait to argue every unsubstantiated accusation made by the Democrats. If that is the case, the American people will not know what to believe.

One more suggestion. Be serious but also lighthearted (a balancing act for sure, but necessary, err to the side of seriousness). For a few moments, act as though this is nothing more than a crazy political stunt because the Democrats have no other way to beat President Trump. A mention that the Democrats have already announced plans to keep impeaching until the cows come home will bolster this point and could be a preemptive strike against the next round of impeachment. But do it in a friendly, likable manner. The House Managers did not score any points for likability and likability counts. Remember, you (the defense team) are talking to the American people as well as the Senate.

Less is more. Case closed.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Democrats Are Addicted to Trump

During the last presidential election campaign, Donald J. Trump received more media attention than all of his competitors combined. Even Hilary Clinton remarked that she could not turn on her TV at 3 in the morning without seeing Donald Trump. The overwhelming majority of all the free media coverage was negative. However, the old adage must be true: ALL publicity is good publicity. Donald J. Trump became President Trump as a result of all the free publicity - on a shoe-string budget of a campaign. Even Mike Bloomberg has enough money to compete with the coverage that President Trump will continue to receive.

The Democrats cannot see that they are continuing down the same rabbit hole. A hole that President Trump has led them to for the past three years.

The Democrats crave the take-down of President Trump as a drug-addict craves his next hit. They cannot help themselves. The only difference between the Democrats and a drug-addict is that there is help available to drug-addicts.

This my dear reader, is the genius of Donald J. Trump.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Democrats Just Don't Get It

Watching the Democrat Presidential debate last night, I was awe struck by the number of times that President Trump was mentioned. It is clear that the Democrat's platform is that "we are not Donald Trump." It was also dumbfounded by the lack of awareness and lack of common sense displayed.

All the Democrats attest to the harm the trade tariffs are doing to the little people. According to the candidates, the tariffs are increasing the corporate GDP but hurting the little guy. The tariffs are causing real harm to everyday Americans. Do the Democrats ever support labor unions when they strike? Do strikes not hurt the little guy in the short term but benefit them tremendously in the longer run? Shortsightedness is shared by all the Democrat candidates and the little guy knows it.

Besides the lack of awareness of negotiating tactics, hasn't anyone told the the Democrats that unemployment is at a 50-year low? That real wages are rising, that more blacks, Hispanics and women have jobs than ever before? Does anyone think a Democrat can win because the economy is horrible for the little guy?

The Democrats have accused President Trump of being in bed with Russia and Putin ever since he was elected (before he was sworn into office). They even tried to impeach him on "collusion." Now, President Trump is the bogey man because he is standing up to Iran. They all claim he is bringing us to the brink of war and will undoubtedly push us over the brink. And, according to the candidates, all the war-mongering is for the President's own personal, political gain. Wait a minute, isn't Iran and Syria in the Russian camp. Could President Trump be standing up to another Russian proxy? The Democrats do not see this, but the little guy in the street does.

Maybe the Democrats can see the irony in President Trump standing up to a Russian proxy but are just wishing that the little guy will not.

Speaking of standing up to Iran, successful parents teach their children to stand up for themselves. To not cower to the bully in the schoolyard. The parent knows that the child may get beat up once, but by fighting back, they will most likely not get pushed around and be afraid to go to school everyday. The little guy gets this. They realize that there are potential perils in the President's Iran stance. But, they also realize that peace through strength works. Rather a small skirmish than an emboldened Iran with a nuclear arsenal. An Iran aligned with Russia and Putin. And, the little guy knows that any skirmish with Iran will not become WW-III.

Bottom line of the debate, the Democrats have nothing new to offer, they plan to run on "Trump is the bogey man" and the little guy sees this. Those who enjoy the entertainment value of the Democrats' debates enjoy it because they see the folly and see President Trump's reelection.

If I were a Democratic candidate, here is what my platform would be: President Trump has done an amazing job of strengthening our economy and in forcing our enemies to respect the United States again. I will continue pursuing better trade deals, continue tariffs if needed to obtain better deals, I will continue to rebuild our military and continue deregulating our businesses as long as we can do so without harming our environment. I will work with governors to push the criminal justice reforms that President Trump pushed through at the federal level down to state and local levels. I will be as forceful with world leaders as President Trump has been with regard to NATO funding, trade relations, and economic cooperation. However, my forcefulness will be more discrete. More public hand-shacking and more private hand-wringing. More personal phone calls to world leaders and less tweets. My platform is that I will be President Trump with less crudeness. I will be Donald Trump with a statesman-like quality.

Then again people are starting to embrace the President's crudeness as well as his policies. I know I often get a chuckle with some of his tweets and remarks. Poor Democrats have no chance.