Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Dem-Dumb and Dem-Dumber

     What has cast the Democrats as dumb? Let us examine a few facts. The Democrats are promising open borders with welfare, free healthcare, free pre-K, and free college for all that cross our borders. At one debate, every Democrat candidate rose their hand to the question: “Who would decriminalize an illegal crossing of our border?” They have put forth twenty-plus candidates that do not resonate with the American public. The continue to drag our country into witch-hunt after witch-hunt. They now want to overthrow the people’s vote by impeaching the President on frivolous charges. They are so disorganized that Michael Bloomberg has decided that he needs to jump into the race to bail them out. And, even Hilary Clinton is telling the public that she is being pressured to join the race.

     Could they possibly get dumber? How about holding public impeachment hearings and making Representative Adam Schiff the face of the Democratic party? Representative Pelosi ceded to the radicals of her party for fear of losing her speakership. Now the next election will have the people remove her speakership. Dumb and Dumber applies to all Democrats pushing for the impeachment. But, to put faces to the Dumb and Dumber, think of Representatives Pelosi and Schiff.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Special Counselor Mueller Just Drove the Nails into the Impeachment Coffin

Robert Mueller is still testifying to the Congressional Judicial Committee. Representative Nadler started out well by getting Mr. Mueller to state that he did not (as President Trump has stated) exonerate the President.

It went down hill from there. Mr. Mueller looks like a deer in headlights. Imagine the impeachment proceedings with Mr. Mueller as the lead witness.

Mr. Mueller performance leads one to believe that he does not know the basic facts of the investigation that he led. He appears very incompetent. Who was in charge of the investigation?

Mr. Mueller established bounds on what he would testify to and when convenient, he violated the bounds and, also when convenient, invoked the bounds. He made statements contrary to his written report and when alerted to such contradictions, simply stated that the report is correct.

Today's testimony will finally put the Russian-Collusion-Delusion and the obstruction of justice matter to bed. (BTW, I used "matter" on advise from a former AG.) There is no there there and there is no prosecutor riding in on a white horse to save the Democrats. And, ironically, that will be good for the Democrats. Mr. Mueller's performance will save the Democrats from themselves by putting an end to an impeachment.

I apologize to Mr. Mueller for this harsh reporting. He is a great American that has served his country with distinction. We should all thank him for his service. His problem with this situation is that his skills are no longer what they once were. Mr. Mueller should be forgiven for this current wrongdoing and remembered for his previous, great service.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Why the Census Citizenship Question Matters

The question is at the core of America’s political divide.

San Francisco, New York, Philadelphia and hundreds more cities have adopted sanctuary policies that have attracted masses of illegal immigrants to their localities. Now it is census time in America and President Trump wants to include a citizenship question on the census. Of course, the sanctuary cities (and Democrats in general) oppose the question.

Without the question, illegal immigrants are more likely to complete and return their census forms. If citizenry identification is not required, all will be assumed to be citizens. Without the question, illegal immigrants will be less likely to complete the census form. And, those that do (honestly) will not cause Congressional representation to be redistributed.

Not including the citizenship question, results in an advantage to those supporting sanctuary policies in violation of federal law. Not only will voting power in Congress be tilted toward sanctuary policies via increased representation of sanctuary areas, but local governments that support sanctuary policies will obtain additional funding (at a cost to law abiding, non-sanctuary cities).

If local, elected officials want to establish costly sanctuary policies, then the local governments should pay for the policies with increased taxation of their local citizen-taxpayers. Americans in a red state like Alabamans should not pay for the sanctuary policies of San Francisco. If sanctuary-citizen-residents had to foot the bill for their sanctuary policies (without federal funding), it is likely that they would not continue their support at the levels they do with Uncle Sam's funding. We should give them the chance to put their money where their mouth is. The citizenry question should be on the census form.

Many illegal immigrants claim to be fleeing the lawlessness of their home countries. Why should we allow the lawlessness of sanctuary cities be rewarded with more political power and federal funds to further promote lawlessness?

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Debatable Debate Observations

If the Democrats have no better ideas than presented tonight, they have no hope. Which is a good thing.

When the question includes the phrase that 60% of democrats believe that the economy is doing well, is it appropriate to respond that the economy is only working for the rich? Maybe 60% of democrats are the rich. How do you win when running against 60% of your own party? This pretty much sums up the democrats’ chances.

Tulsi Gabbard had the best moment when she told Representative Ryan that “being engaged” is an unacceptable answer to the parents of dead soldiers.

NBC was picking winners by whom they allowed to butt in, whom that did not and by who they called on most frequently. They mostly allotted time according to each candidate’s polling position. However, Mayor DeBlasio was allowed to butt in when the other lesser candidates were not.

NBC’s favorites: Castro, Booker, Warren, O’Rourke, Klobuchar and maybe DeBlasio.

Warren had a nice closing statement, but she was a wallflower through most of the event.

Fluency in Spanish is now required to be a witness to the entire political discussion.

It should not be a crime for a foreigner to enter our country without a visa. Every migrant here, coming here or thinking about coming here should be welcomed with government programs to help them get and stay here.

NBC did a horrible job of running the debate. Technical sound problems interrupted the debate, the moderators did not drill down for details and Lester Holt had to tell Chuck Todd where he was. As a 
result, the candidates were allowed to make feel good promises without having to explain how they could deliver. But when you allow ten candidates on the stage, it’s difficult to drill down.

Every democrat is for abortion at the sole discretion of the involved woman and the government should pay for whatever the woman demands.

The Democrats would all cave to Iran and re-sign the Obama deal. It’s too scary now. We should give the Iranian’s what they want.

Individuals should be taxed up to 70% and businesses 28%.

Biggest winner, Gabbard for her zing of Ryan. Biggest loser, Ryan.

Second place: Castro. He was given a lot of time and he made the most of it. Second biggest loser: Klobuchar. She was higher in the polls so got more questions. She didn’t falter but didn’t shine. She had more to lose than most and she lost it.

Luckiest candidate: Warren. None of the candidates went after the front leader of tonight’s pack.

Most courageous candidate: tie between DeBlasio and Castro. DeBlasio had the presence to start talking at the end of another candidate’s answer and Castro called O’Rourke on the specifics of his immigration plan. Castro was making the point about repealing the law that makes it illegal for migrants to cross the border.

DeBlasio also had the courage to state what Democrats should be for: 70% taxes, free college, free pre-school, public healthcare, abortions at will, and a Marshall Plan for the Latin America countries where our immigrants are coming from. (I believe that the Marshall Plan was to rebuild physical infrastructure for countries that already had strong social infrastructures and institutions. What good would physical infrastructure do without social infrastructural?)

My personal ranking of the performances (not on policy positions but on wooing the audience, I must admit, I don’t agree with any of their positions): Gabbard, Castro, Booker, DeBlasio, O’Rourke, Warren, Klobuchar, Delaney, Ryan, Inslee.

Overall impression, tired policy ideas (not to mention outside of working class values), no signs of leadership, and boring personas. I think it was DeBlasio that stated that the democrats had to be the party of the working cleass again. If so, they should do some polling of their policies with the working class. But that wouldn't work with the coastal elites that run their party.

Donald Trump can sleep well tonight.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Obstruction is Comey’s Sting Operation

The following is an opinion of the events surrounding the initiation of an obstruction of justice charge against the President of the United States.

 FBI Agent Peter Strzok admitted in a text message to FBI lawyer Lisa Page that they initiated an investigation into “Russian collusion” as an insurance policy to take the president down in the unlikely event that Donald J. Trump would win the 2016 Presidential election. As a result, our nation has been torn apart for over two years by a witch hunt that the FBI had no just cause to initiate. The Mueller Report just confirmed this point. No American colluded with the Russians.

Almost two years ago, FBI Commissioner Comey told the President that he was not the subject of the Russian investigation. Mr. Comey knew there was no just cause to include the President in the investigation. The President requested that Mr. Comey tell the American people these facts. Mr. Comey refused noting that Congress knew the facts. Frustrated with the suspicion being cast on the legitimacy of his election, President Trump fired Mr. Comey.

Then, Mr. Comey purchased reinsurance by illegally leaking a government document to the media. Mr. Comey admitted to this illegal leaking in Congressional testimony. He further admitted that his purpose was to cause a Special Counsel to be appointed. Mr. Comey knows how the FBI works and that a deep dive into almost anyone’s life would uncover something that would not be flattering. More importantly, he knew the President’s temperament and most likely thought the President would fall into a perjury trap (a trusted FBI tactic). The reinsurance policy was a sting orchestrated by FBI Commissioner Comey at the expense of the American people. Now, many Americans are concerned that our President tried to obstruct justice by impeding an investigation that the President knew (and Mueller confirmed) was a witch hunt. Who would impede an investigation that would prove them innocent?

This is not to say that the President acted professionally. He did not. He may have tried pushing some incorrect buttons but was rebuffed by his staff. That is a stain on his character. The fact that he allowed his staff to steer him clear is a sign that he accepted their advice. Donald J. Trump is Donald J. Trump. The American people knew that when they elected him.

Twenty-two months, thirty-million-dollars, and unprecedented division between Americans that has shifted Congress’ focus from solving America’s problems to partisan sniping. Thank you, Mr. Comey, your illegally initiated sting operation is now being taken up by the Congress. It appears America’s problems will have to wait years longer. God help those in need of affordable health care. God help those vulnerable migrants on our southern border. God help our border patrol agents being imperiled by Congress’ lack of action. Sorry, but Congress has no time for you at this point. For now, the sting continues. And, the sting is king.