Sunday, September 23, 2012

Note to Republicans – Stop Panicking

Governor Romney has had a bad week.  The forty-seven percent statement has caused some damage.  Worse yet, the people in the swing states of Ohio, Virginia and Florida believe that President Obama is doing a good job with the economy.  And, just to scare the Republicans some more, President Obama’s poll numbers keep climbing while Governor Romney’s keep falling.

Republican pundits from Peggy Noonan and Joe Scarborough to Laura Ingraham have been very vocal in pointing out the ineptness of Governor Romney’s campaign.  The Democrats are drooling.  Governor Romney’s plan was to make the vote a referendum on President Obama’s record.  Now the Democrats are now making it a referendum on Governor Romney’s qualifications. 

According to the Democrats: Governor Romney’s fourteen percent tax rate demonstrates that he is out of touch with the middle class;  the forty-seven percent of Americans being victims, statement shows that Governor Romney does not care about the middle class; and  Governor Romney’s non-diplomatic statements in England and Israel demonstrate his lack of foreign affairs acumen.

Anyone watching the news this week would assume that the party is over, it’s time to call it a day, Governor Romney is toast.  EXCEPT: there are still forty-four days left in this election campaign.  In politics, forty-four days is a lifetime.  The Muslim world could continue to spew hate filled demonstrations against the United States. The stock market could take a significant down-turn. Or, Governor Romney could start talking about the issues.  At least Governor Romney can control one of those potential game changers.

It appears as though an election for the most likable person will favor President Obama.  An election about the issues COULD favor Governor Romney.  The use of the word “COULD’ to fudge the possible advantage for Governor Romney is needed.   Governor Romney has not communicated a vision for his presidency.  Sure, he has let us all know that he is a businessperson that understands economics.  That is great.  Now if he could just speak in a manner that allows the middle class to understand the economy – and how he will fix it; he may just see the polls start to change in his direction.

The original plan of making this a referendum on President Obama has not gained traction.  It is now time for Plan B.  Does Governor Romney have a Plan B?  For the country’s sake, let us all hope that he does. 

President Obama has a Plan B.  He calls it the American Jobs Act.  It is a bill that he proposed earlier this year that the Republicans did not allow to go anywhere.  The fundamental underpinnings of this plan are to invest in America’s infrastructure and to provide federal assistance to local governments to hire more teachers and first responders.  President Obama stated that the private sector has been steadily adding jobs but the problem is that the government has been cutting jobs.  All the economy needs is more government employees and some more stimulus spending to build roads, railways, and runways.  If that is President Obama’s Plan B, Governor Romney has to be able to do better.

We do not need more teachers, firemen and policemen.  We need jobs that add to the tax base – not jobs that are paid for by our taxes.  We cannot afford to build new roads, railways and runways to make it easier for China to distribute their products in America.  President Obama can tell China: “Hey you didn’t build that business – America did it for you.” 

We need to invest in the private industry that can build things that we export.  The technology of robotic manufacturing is exploding.  Leveraging this technology will allow us to compete against the $2 per hour labor costs in China, and Mexico.  It will create real, tangible products that we can sell to our foreign competitors.  We can start to bring money back to the United States instead of shipping it across the sea for cheap imports.  Governor Romney knows how to do this.  All he has to do is make Americans understand that this is our way out of our economic mess.

Governor Romney also knows that a strong defense and clear communications of America’s red lines will not be liked in the Muslim world – but they will be respected.  It is time for America to be less liked and more respected.  That brings this discussion back to where it started: we must elect the candidate that is not the most liked but the candidate that deserves the most respect for his actions.  At this point, neither candidate has earned that respect.

Note to President Obama: please prepare your Plan C.  Americans are looking for creative solutions.  We do not want to continue down the same path of misery that you call “forward”.  That path has been leading us nowhere for four years.  Besides if Governor Romney does summon up the courage to articulate a clear vision for America’s future, you will be the one panicking.  It is in America’s best interest for both candidates to develop creative solutions to our problems.  Maybe, just maybe, we could see some bipartisan leadership after the elections to put the best ideas of the two plans to work for America.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Obama is Not Finished Either

The title of this article is a play on the previous entry regarding Governor Romney.  No one thinks that President Obama is anywhere close to finished.  In fact, he continues to lead in the polls.  However, the right-wingers are blaring the socialist horn again.  Yes, President Obama did tell Joe the plumber that he wanted to spread the wealth around.  And, a recording (from several years ago) was just released that has President Obama stating that he: believes in redistribution – just enough to so that everybody has a shot.

Take these two statements and it is easy to deem that President Obama is a socialist.  Once you are on the slippery slope of socialism, you cannot be that far away from being a full-blown communist.  Well, that is the scare tactic of this week’s anti-Obama attack.  Forget it – it does not work.

First of all, Americans is a socialist society – we just do not admit to it.  What else would define Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid?  What about food stamps, public education, government backed college loans, and Pell Grants?  The education items are certainly funded with redistributed wealth to give everybody a shot.  And, who would want to do away with helping somebody “get a shot” with a good education?

Secondly, the term socialism has become so pejorative that using it is unfair.  It has been closely connected with communism.  And, communism has been closely connected with totalitarianism.  In America today, calling someone a socialist is the equivalent of calling the person Fidel Castro or Joseph Stalin.  It’s just not fair.  Just imagine if socialism was not connected with communism and totalitarianism - imagine if it were just associated with the good stuff we do (e.g.: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, education, housing, foreign aid, etc.).  Socialism in that light alone is a good thing – if properly administered.

Where the debate needs to be focused is not whether the candidates are socialists.  The debate should be about how socialistic is each candidate.  Both candidates are certified socialists: President Obama is more forthright in his socialist beliefs.  However, Governor Romney is not going to cut the Medicare benefits of senior citizens (or even anyone that is already fifty-five years old).  The quantity of redistribution that is required in our socialistic society is the key to defining the candidates.  How high will our individual tax rates be?  How much are we going to spend on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, subsidized housing, education, job training, etc…?  What is the return on investment of those programs that are being paid for with redistributed wealth?  Where is the standard of living point that we draw the poverty line – and what are we willing to do to assure that everyone lives at, or above, that point? 

And, the question needs to be asked:  can we afford to be as socialistic as we are right now?  If so, how?  If not, where do we make reductions?

We will have to wait to see if one of the debate monitors follows up on these questions.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Romney is Not Finished

          The polls are showing Governor Romney falling further and further behind President Obama.  The main stream media is taking note – and piling on.  According to the media, Governor Romney misspoke when he criticized the administration for its statement condemning the Muslim-insulting movie.  He again showed his ineptness in a recording that caught him stating that forty-seven percent of Americans do not pay federal income taxes.  Governor Romney stated that this forty-seven percent depend on the government in one way or another.  These forty-seven percent are “victims” that will never vote for Governor Romney (all this according to statements made by Governor Romney himself and caught on videotape).  The main stream media has put these antidotes into a neat little package and have declared victory for President Obama.

Note to all journalists:  it is only September.  The election has NOT been decided.  If the election is to be decided based on who NOT to vote for; then we should all refer back to President Obama’s record.  Are you better off than you were four years ago?  I would be willing to bet that more than forty-seven percent of Americans would answer that question with a big, fat NO.  This election remains an open issue because Americans are looking for something to vote for – not somebody to vote against.

Governor Romney selected Representative Ryan for a reason.  He must be planning on putting forth a grand agenda.  An agenda that will address America’s critical issues:  the lack of jobs, the growing deficit, and the inequity of wealth.  These are the three critical issues of our time (although I have not seen the third of those issues discussed much lately).  Unfortunately, solutions to one could worsen another.  These issues require a grand agenda – an agenda that Americans can rally around.  Americans long for leadership that will explain the issues clearly and make us understand that we will have to make some sacrifices.  Americans would be willing to make some sacrifices if the plan included a vision of restoring our prosperity.  Hmm, I think Representative Ryan wrote something called “The Path to Prosperity”.  Maybe Governor Romney and Representative Ryan are working behind the scenes to refine that plan into something that they can both endorse.  My guess is that a big speech is not too far off – probably right before the first debate.  I am not declaring victory for either side yet.

Meanwhile, President Obama has also been scorched.  Bob Woodward’s new book “The Price of Politics” sheds light on the workings of Washington.  It details how our elected leaders from both parties let the American people down by failing to reach a budget agreement.  The book is a great read if you like the details on how things actually get done – or in this case – do not get done.  The book makes the President look very non-presidential.  Funny, I have not heard the news media blasting the insights of Mr. Woodward’s book – nor announcing the President’s imminent demise in the election campaign.  Could it be that the media is biased toward President Obama?

Anyway, neither President Obama nor Governor Romney has been knocked out of the box yet.  They both continue to be strong contenders.  Their contender status will remain strong up to, and until, one of them actually puts forth a message of a grand agenda that addresses our problems.  Neither has done so yet – but for the sake of our future, please will somebody take a stab at it?

President Obama’s offering thus far has been “stay on the same road”.  Governor Romney’s offering has been a tax cut.  Both of these offerings are insane.  Stay the course of misery with no vision of how it will get better?  Cut taxes when we have already mortgaged our great-grandchildren’s future?  Where do the jobs come from?  When does our deficit begin to shrink?  How do Joe-the-plumber and Jane-the-janitor make a decent living?  How can Joe and Jane afford to send their kids to college?  When will America be a net exporter rather than a net importer?

Neither President Obama nor Governor Romney has answered those tough questions.  Until one does, with a convincing argument; we only have the choice of voting against one of them – NOT for something.  And, both will remain in the race.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

To Our Muslim Friends (especially those in Egypt)

           America is angry.  We have lost thousands of lives so that our Muslim friends can enjoy the human dignity of freedom.  Now we see radical Muslims denounce the United States and embrace Al Qaeda.  How else can the “America, go to hell” graffiti on the American embassy in Cairo be interpreted?  How else can chants of “Obama, Obama, we are all Osama” be understood?

Investigations will commence to find out who was behind the September 11th demonstrations and murders.  But, we are not stupid.  We know that Al Qaeda stirred up the populace on the emotional day of 9-11.  We also know that the murder of four great Americans was not committed by an angry mob that got out of control.  No, it was Al Qaeda.  Al Qaeda used the cover of mass demonstrators to not only commit murder but to cloak the murders as the will of the masses.  Al Qaeda wants Americans to be terrorized by the belief that all Muslims want all Americans dead.  Right-minded Muslims should do all in their power to correct Al Qaeda’s message.

Libya has already stated that they believe that forces from “outside Libya” were involved in the murder of our ambassador and his three fellow Americans.  The people of Libya did conduct counter demonstrations to those of the anti-American, 9-11 demonstrations and murders.  They held signs that apologized to America.  The people of Libya do not want to be held hostage by Al Qaeda.  Things seem different in Egypt.

On September 11,, 2012, the Muslim Brotherhood permitted violent, anti-American demonstrations to take place at the American embassy in Cairo.  It was no coincidence that anti-American demonstrations were taking place in other places of the world.  The Muslim Brotherhood is anti-American and wants the world to believe that all Egyptians are anti-American.  Right-minded Egyptians must speak out to make sure that the world knows otherwise.  It is now time for Egyptians to decide who they are.  America can be either an ally or an enemy.  America can also be neutral – neutral in a benevolent way or neutral in a stingy way.  Whatever America is to Egypt in the future - it is mostly Egypt’s call.

Egypt had to be called by President Obama to tell them to get the crowds under control.  What would have happened if President Obama had not made that call?  The Muslim Brotherhood leadership did not think that the violent demonstrations were a problem.  Did the Muslim Brotherhood conspire with Al Qaeda?  Allowing the demonstrations to get out of control on 9-11 while similar demonstrations took place throughout the Muslim world answers that question in the affirmative.

The Muslim world has had issues with American policy in the past.  But America has done nothing that requires an apology – but much to deserve a thank you.  Yes, we have supported dictators.  The most fundamental right a person has is the right to security.  Our policies have always put security first.  In the past, America has been forced to choose between the lesser of many evils.  The situation in Egypt is a perfect example of choosing between lesser evils.  The violent demonstrations that took place on 9-11 would not have occurred under Hosni Mubarak.  Why did they happen under the leadership of Mohamed Morsi?  Does the Muslim Brotherhood realize the message they are sending?

More importantly, do the Egyptian people know the message they are sending to America?  Just in case they do not – here it is:  We have overthrown a dictator that was supported by America.  We did not do this to enjoy the freedom of democracy.  We did this to establish a government with the means to extract justice from the United States.  We want justice from America for having supported the previous dictator.  And, just so they fully understand the message – this means that the United States will become your enemy.  America will not help you through the tough times that lay ahead as you try to build a better country for your children.  Good luck!

Let us all pray that there are rational Egyptians that realize the ramifications of their actions.  America does not need, nor want an enemy.  However, it is the purpose of enemy potential to prevent the creation of an enemy.

Wrongly or rightly, America did support Hosni Mubarak.  However, America has not supported the Muslim Brotherhood.  America supported the people of Egypt and they have elected the Muslim Brotherhood into leadership.  America believed that the people of Egypt wanted freedom and stood by their side to help them realize that freedom.  Now, the responsibility of freedom rests with the Egyptian people.  Does the Muslim Brotherhood represent your wishes and values?  If not, your fight is not over.  And, if you fight for true freedom, America will be at your side again.

Monday, September 17, 2012

This Election is Bigger than the Message Either Party has put Forth

          I had a “disagreement” with my thirty-year-old daughter this past weekend.  We were talking politics.  She is a rabid President Obama supporter.  She mentioned that there was a war on women and that she supported President Obama because he was going to do something about the demeaning treatment of women.   I politely told her that the “war on women” was an immature issue (at least I thought I was polite).  I explained that America faces much bigger issues than whether or not health insurance companies should pay for contraception.  I further stated that the inequality in pay between women and men are not the result of any policy that any president has ever put forward.  To put it mildly, my daughter took offense to my belittling the issue of women’s rights.  However, I pointed out to her that the “war on women” issue was contrived to rally the Obama base.  I also pointed out that with all the serious issues facing American today, the “war on women” was as insignificant as who is the more likable candidate.

I tried to explain that the economy was hurting more people (including women) than any other issue.  If we do not elect a team of leaders that can work together on intelligent plans to right the American economy, we are going to be in big trouble (men and women).  To this discussion, my daughter said that the “war on women” was not an immature issue.  It was an example of so many other issues that define the values that young Americans want to see their country embrace.  It’s not just women, it is gay rights, and it is compassion for the poor who are hurt more by the economic conditions than the rich.  It’s about not cutting the social safety net so that the richest Americans can get more tax cuts.  My daughter laid out a good argument.  Her ideal of the American values are correct.  It is how Americans want to view our great country.
My discussion with my daughter made me realize that the Republicans are losing the war of the message.  Where the Republicans believe that their plans will provide more opportunity for all Americans – and therefore help lift Americans out of poverty – the Democrats have convinced a large share of Americans that our better days are behind us.  The Democrats say that what America needs is the compassion to help comfort those that will never have the opportunity to participate in a growing, strengthening America.  After all, the President’s own acceptance speech stated that he never said it was going to be easy, but that we had to continue down the same road. 
I do not know about you, but the road I’ve been looking at is a worsening economic climate with the safety net getting bigger and bigger to help cushion the blow for the less fortunate among us.  I wonder, how can our shrinking economic output continue to afford growing that safety net?  It would appear as though the same old path is just a downward spiral of slower economic activity, an even bigger safety net, and more taxes to pay for the bigger safety net.  Such a situation is the Petri dish for even slower economic activity.  Such a downward spiral will lead to anarchy – not to mention enormous human hardship.  What happens to all those individuals that use the safety net when the private sector economy finally goes bust?  (Simple economics, government sucks the private sector dry, no more tax base, no more taxes for the safety net.  Has anyone watched the riots in Greece?)
If the Democrats are correct, we are in a lot of trouble.  As Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico asked at the Republican Convention: “ welfare a way or life or a hand up?”  Let’s hope we can make America the place where we can always afford that hand up.  That hand up should allow people the ability to grasp for the opportunity (and the dignity) of a good-paying job.  Unfortunately, the message that I heard at the Democratic Convention was that welfare is the new way of life – not a temporary lifeline.  It was a moving message.  People had tears in their eyes as they listened to how the evil rich people were going to pay for the ever-growing safety net.  The Democratic Convention did not depict the America that I have known and loved.  It was not the America of hard work, sacrifice and opportunity.  It was the America of divisiveness, hand-outs, and weakness.
Now if either party would care to define how opportunities for all Americans are going to be created – I’m listening.  So are those independent voters that will decide the election.  We are all waiting.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Adrift at Sea and No One is Stepping Up

          A few months ago, I thought that we may not have a clear winner in the election.  I believed that we would have such a slim margin that there would be no mandate and therefore - continued political gridlock.  To my astonishment, things have gotten even worse.

          The “clear choice” that each side claims to exist has not been defined.  After watching both the Republican and the Democratic conventions my take away was:
1.     The Republicans’ are NOT Barack Obama, and
2.     The Democrats ARE Barack Obama
          That is the complete story of the campaign so far.  You are either for the Republicans because their candidate is not Barack Obama or you are for the Democrats because their candidate is Barack Obama.  That is sum total of the wisdom put forth after spending a couple hundred million dollars on the two conventions.
          We have been told nothing of either candidate’s plan to put America back to work; nothing about reducing our insane debt; and, nothing about how America will compete in a global economy.
          If a real debate about the issues were taken, people would better understand the problems facing America.  People would then demand that the candidates divulge their plans (or lack thereof).  We would all be better able to make a real decision on where our great country should be heading.  Instead, we are being treated like school children that have to pick which clique to join.

          If this campaign does not get to discussing issues in a sensible manner, we will have four more years of nothing: no jobs, no deficit reduction, and falling further and further behind in the global marketplace.

          President Obama and Governor Romney; please start talking about the issues that America faces and your plans for our future.

Friday, September 7, 2012

We need “...bold, persistent experimentation...” - Are You Kidding Me?

          Quote from President Obama’s nomination acceptance speech at Thursday night’s (9/6/2012) Democratic National Convention:

“You elected me to tell you the truth.
And the truth is, it will take more than a few years for us to solve challenges that have built up over decades. It'll require common effort, shared responsibility, and the kind of bold, persistent experimentation that Franklin Roosevelt pursued during the only crisis worse than this one.”

          I believe it took Roosevelt sixteen years and a World War to turn the economy around.  Maybe we should experiment another eight years, and if the economy is not back on track - experiment with another World War.

          Why is there no pundit screaming about this line?  I do not know about you, but I am not looking forward to a sixteen-year experiment to get the economy back on track.

          The economy is not that complicated.  It is actually much less complicated than either party is telling us.  I truly believe that if either candidate read my book that they would better able to develop sound policies that would quickly turn our great economy around.  And, if all Americans would read the book, they would be better able to discuss the economy with their elected leaders – and get our leaders to take appropriate action.
          President Obama surely did not mean what he said.  Even so, he has to be called on it so that he corrects this huge mistake.  If he does not fix it quickly, the Republicans will spin it in such a way that the general public does believe that the President is calling for “bold persistent experimentation”.
          Please Mr. President, correct this misspoken line today.  And, please Republicans everywhere – do not use this line to lessen the public’s and the market’s confidence in our gradually improving economy.  Our economy still needs a lot of tender loving care to get it back to where is should be (where American’s do not require ninety-nine weeks of unemployment benefits).  One little measure of the required TLC is to NOT scare Americans into believing that we are in line for twelve more years of experiments.
          Can you believe that he said that?  Another note to President Obama – fire the responsible speech writer.