Tuesday, September 18, 2012

To Our Muslim Friends (especially those in Egypt)

           America is angry.  We have lost thousands of lives so that our Muslim friends can enjoy the human dignity of freedom.  Now we see radical Muslims denounce the United States and embrace Al Qaeda.  How else can the “America, go to hell” graffiti on the American embassy in Cairo be interpreted?  How else can chants of “Obama, Obama, we are all Osama” be understood?

Investigations will commence to find out who was behind the September 11th demonstrations and murders.  But, we are not stupid.  We know that Al Qaeda stirred up the populace on the emotional day of 9-11.  We also know that the murder of four great Americans was not committed by an angry mob that got out of control.  No, it was Al Qaeda.  Al Qaeda used the cover of mass demonstrators to not only commit murder but to cloak the murders as the will of the masses.  Al Qaeda wants Americans to be terrorized by the belief that all Muslims want all Americans dead.  Right-minded Muslims should do all in their power to correct Al Qaeda’s message.

Libya has already stated that they believe that forces from “outside Libya” were involved in the murder of our ambassador and his three fellow Americans.  The people of Libya did conduct counter demonstrations to those of the anti-American, 9-11 demonstrations and murders.  They held signs that apologized to America.  The people of Libya do not want to be held hostage by Al Qaeda.  Things seem different in Egypt.

On September 11,, 2012, the Muslim Brotherhood permitted violent, anti-American demonstrations to take place at the American embassy in Cairo.  It was no coincidence that anti-American demonstrations were taking place in other places of the world.  The Muslim Brotherhood is anti-American and wants the world to believe that all Egyptians are anti-American.  Right-minded Egyptians must speak out to make sure that the world knows otherwise.  It is now time for Egyptians to decide who they are.  America can be either an ally or an enemy.  America can also be neutral – neutral in a benevolent way or neutral in a stingy way.  Whatever America is to Egypt in the future - it is mostly Egypt’s call.

Egypt had to be called by President Obama to tell them to get the crowds under control.  What would have happened if President Obama had not made that call?  The Muslim Brotherhood leadership did not think that the violent demonstrations were a problem.  Did the Muslim Brotherhood conspire with Al Qaeda?  Allowing the demonstrations to get out of control on 9-11 while similar demonstrations took place throughout the Muslim world answers that question in the affirmative.

The Muslim world has had issues with American policy in the past.  But America has done nothing that requires an apology – but much to deserve a thank you.  Yes, we have supported dictators.  The most fundamental right a person has is the right to security.  Our policies have always put security first.  In the past, America has been forced to choose between the lesser of many evils.  The situation in Egypt is a perfect example of choosing between lesser evils.  The violent demonstrations that took place on 9-11 would not have occurred under Hosni Mubarak.  Why did they happen under the leadership of Mohamed Morsi?  Does the Muslim Brotherhood realize the message they are sending?

More importantly, do the Egyptian people know the message they are sending to America?  Just in case they do not – here it is:  We have overthrown a dictator that was supported by America.  We did not do this to enjoy the freedom of democracy.  We did this to establish a government with the means to extract justice from the United States.  We want justice from America for having supported the previous dictator.  And, just so they fully understand the message – this means that the United States will become your enemy.  America will not help you through the tough times that lay ahead as you try to build a better country for your children.  Good luck!

Let us all pray that there are rational Egyptians that realize the ramifications of their actions.  America does not need, nor want an enemy.  However, it is the purpose of enemy potential to prevent the creation of an enemy.

Wrongly or rightly, America did support Hosni Mubarak.  However, America has not supported the Muslim Brotherhood.  America supported the people of Egypt and they have elected the Muslim Brotherhood into leadership.  America believed that the people of Egypt wanted freedom and stood by their side to help them realize that freedom.  Now, the responsibility of freedom rests with the Egyptian people.  Does the Muslim Brotherhood represent your wishes and values?  If not, your fight is not over.  And, if you fight for true freedom, America will be at your side again.

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