Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Adrift at Sea and No One is Stepping Up

          A few months ago, I thought that we may not have a clear winner in the election.  I believed that we would have such a slim margin that there would be no mandate and therefore - continued political gridlock.  To my astonishment, things have gotten even worse.

          The “clear choice” that each side claims to exist has not been defined.  After watching both the Republican and the Democratic conventions my take away was:
1.     The Republicans’ are NOT Barack Obama, and
2.     The Democrats ARE Barack Obama
          That is the complete story of the campaign so far.  You are either for the Republicans because their candidate is not Barack Obama or you are for the Democrats because their candidate is Barack Obama.  That is sum total of the wisdom put forth after spending a couple hundred million dollars on the two conventions.
          We have been told nothing of either candidate’s plan to put America back to work; nothing about reducing our insane debt; and, nothing about how America will compete in a global economy.
          If a real debate about the issues were taken, people would better understand the problems facing America.  People would then demand that the candidates divulge their plans (or lack thereof).  We would all be better able to make a real decision on where our great country should be heading.  Instead, we are being treated like school children that have to pick which clique to join.

          If this campaign does not get to discussing issues in a sensible manner, we will have four more years of nothing: no jobs, no deficit reduction, and falling further and further behind in the global marketplace.

          President Obama and Governor Romney; please start talking about the issues that America faces and your plans for our future.

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