Friday, September 7, 2012

We need “...bold, persistent experimentation...” - Are You Kidding Me?

          Quote from President Obama’s nomination acceptance speech at Thursday night’s (9/6/2012) Democratic National Convention:

“You elected me to tell you the truth.
And the truth is, it will take more than a few years for us to solve challenges that have built up over decades. It'll require common effort, shared responsibility, and the kind of bold, persistent experimentation that Franklin Roosevelt pursued during the only crisis worse than this one.”

          I believe it took Roosevelt sixteen years and a World War to turn the economy around.  Maybe we should experiment another eight years, and if the economy is not back on track - experiment with another World War.

          Why is there no pundit screaming about this line?  I do not know about you, but I am not looking forward to a sixteen-year experiment to get the economy back on track.

          The economy is not that complicated.  It is actually much less complicated than either party is telling us.  I truly believe that if either candidate read my book that they would better able to develop sound policies that would quickly turn our great economy around.  And, if all Americans would read the book, they would be better able to discuss the economy with their elected leaders – and get our leaders to take appropriate action.
          President Obama surely did not mean what he said.  Even so, he has to be called on it so that he corrects this huge mistake.  If he does not fix it quickly, the Republicans will spin it in such a way that the general public does believe that the President is calling for “bold persistent experimentation”.
          Please Mr. President, correct this misspoken line today.  And, please Republicans everywhere – do not use this line to lessen the public’s and the market’s confidence in our gradually improving economy.  Our economy still needs a lot of tender loving care to get it back to where is should be (where American’s do not require ninety-nine weeks of unemployment benefits).  One little measure of the required TLC is to NOT scare Americans into believing that we are in line for twelve more years of experiments.
          Can you believe that he said that?  Another note to President Obama – fire the responsible speech writer.

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