Sunday, September 23, 2012

Note to Republicans – Stop Panicking

Governor Romney has had a bad week.  The forty-seven percent statement has caused some damage.  Worse yet, the people in the swing states of Ohio, Virginia and Florida believe that President Obama is doing a good job with the economy.  And, just to scare the Republicans some more, President Obama’s poll numbers keep climbing while Governor Romney’s keep falling.

Republican pundits from Peggy Noonan and Joe Scarborough to Laura Ingraham have been very vocal in pointing out the ineptness of Governor Romney’s campaign.  The Democrats are drooling.  Governor Romney’s plan was to make the vote a referendum on President Obama’s record.  Now the Democrats are now making it a referendum on Governor Romney’s qualifications. 

According to the Democrats: Governor Romney’s fourteen percent tax rate demonstrates that he is out of touch with the middle class;  the forty-seven percent of Americans being victims, statement shows that Governor Romney does not care about the middle class; and  Governor Romney’s non-diplomatic statements in England and Israel demonstrate his lack of foreign affairs acumen.

Anyone watching the news this week would assume that the party is over, it’s time to call it a day, Governor Romney is toast.  EXCEPT: there are still forty-four days left in this election campaign.  In politics, forty-four days is a lifetime.  The Muslim world could continue to spew hate filled demonstrations against the United States. The stock market could take a significant down-turn. Or, Governor Romney could start talking about the issues.  At least Governor Romney can control one of those potential game changers.

It appears as though an election for the most likable person will favor President Obama.  An election about the issues COULD favor Governor Romney.  The use of the word “COULD’ to fudge the possible advantage for Governor Romney is needed.   Governor Romney has not communicated a vision for his presidency.  Sure, he has let us all know that he is a businessperson that understands economics.  That is great.  Now if he could just speak in a manner that allows the middle class to understand the economy – and how he will fix it; he may just see the polls start to change in his direction.

The original plan of making this a referendum on President Obama has not gained traction.  It is now time for Plan B.  Does Governor Romney have a Plan B?  For the country’s sake, let us all hope that he does. 

President Obama has a Plan B.  He calls it the American Jobs Act.  It is a bill that he proposed earlier this year that the Republicans did not allow to go anywhere.  The fundamental underpinnings of this plan are to invest in America’s infrastructure and to provide federal assistance to local governments to hire more teachers and first responders.  President Obama stated that the private sector has been steadily adding jobs but the problem is that the government has been cutting jobs.  All the economy needs is more government employees and some more stimulus spending to build roads, railways, and runways.  If that is President Obama’s Plan B, Governor Romney has to be able to do better.

We do not need more teachers, firemen and policemen.  We need jobs that add to the tax base – not jobs that are paid for by our taxes.  We cannot afford to build new roads, railways and runways to make it easier for China to distribute their products in America.  President Obama can tell China: “Hey you didn’t build that business – America did it for you.” 

We need to invest in the private industry that can build things that we export.  The technology of robotic manufacturing is exploding.  Leveraging this technology will allow us to compete against the $2 per hour labor costs in China, and Mexico.  It will create real, tangible products that we can sell to our foreign competitors.  We can start to bring money back to the United States instead of shipping it across the sea for cheap imports.  Governor Romney knows how to do this.  All he has to do is make Americans understand that this is our way out of our economic mess.

Governor Romney also knows that a strong defense and clear communications of America’s red lines will not be liked in the Muslim world – but they will be respected.  It is time for America to be less liked and more respected.  That brings this discussion back to where it started: we must elect the candidate that is not the most liked but the candidate that deserves the most respect for his actions.  At this point, neither candidate has earned that respect.

Note to President Obama: please prepare your Plan C.  Americans are looking for creative solutions.  We do not want to continue down the same path of misery that you call “forward”.  That path has been leading us nowhere for four years.  Besides if Governor Romney does summon up the courage to articulate a clear vision for America’s future, you will be the one panicking.  It is in America’s best interest for both candidates to develop creative solutions to our problems.  Maybe, just maybe, we could see some bipartisan leadership after the elections to put the best ideas of the two plans to work for America.

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