Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Romney is Not Finished

          The polls are showing Governor Romney falling further and further behind President Obama.  The main stream media is taking note – and piling on.  According to the media, Governor Romney misspoke when he criticized the administration for its statement condemning the Muslim-insulting movie.  He again showed his ineptness in a recording that caught him stating that forty-seven percent of Americans do not pay federal income taxes.  Governor Romney stated that this forty-seven percent depend on the government in one way or another.  These forty-seven percent are “victims” that will never vote for Governor Romney (all this according to statements made by Governor Romney himself and caught on videotape).  The main stream media has put these antidotes into a neat little package and have declared victory for President Obama.

Note to all journalists:  it is only September.  The election has NOT been decided.  If the election is to be decided based on who NOT to vote for; then we should all refer back to President Obama’s record.  Are you better off than you were four years ago?  I would be willing to bet that more than forty-seven percent of Americans would answer that question with a big, fat NO.  This election remains an open issue because Americans are looking for something to vote for – not somebody to vote against.

Governor Romney selected Representative Ryan for a reason.  He must be planning on putting forth a grand agenda.  An agenda that will address America’s critical issues:  the lack of jobs, the growing deficit, and the inequity of wealth.  These are the three critical issues of our time (although I have not seen the third of those issues discussed much lately).  Unfortunately, solutions to one could worsen another.  These issues require a grand agenda – an agenda that Americans can rally around.  Americans long for leadership that will explain the issues clearly and make us understand that we will have to make some sacrifices.  Americans would be willing to make some sacrifices if the plan included a vision of restoring our prosperity.  Hmm, I think Representative Ryan wrote something called “The Path to Prosperity”.  Maybe Governor Romney and Representative Ryan are working behind the scenes to refine that plan into something that they can both endorse.  My guess is that a big speech is not too far off – probably right before the first debate.  I am not declaring victory for either side yet.

Meanwhile, President Obama has also been scorched.  Bob Woodward’s new book “The Price of Politics” sheds light on the workings of Washington.  It details how our elected leaders from both parties let the American people down by failing to reach a budget agreement.  The book is a great read if you like the details on how things actually get done – or in this case – do not get done.  The book makes the President look very non-presidential.  Funny, I have not heard the news media blasting the insights of Mr. Woodward’s book – nor announcing the President’s imminent demise in the election campaign.  Could it be that the media is biased toward President Obama?

Anyway, neither President Obama nor Governor Romney has been knocked out of the box yet.  They both continue to be strong contenders.  Their contender status will remain strong up to, and until, one of them actually puts forth a message of a grand agenda that addresses our problems.  Neither has done so yet – but for the sake of our future, please will somebody take a stab at it?

President Obama’s offering thus far has been “stay on the same road”.  Governor Romney’s offering has been a tax cut.  Both of these offerings are insane.  Stay the course of misery with no vision of how it will get better?  Cut taxes when we have already mortgaged our great-grandchildren’s future?  Where do the jobs come from?  When does our deficit begin to shrink?  How do Joe-the-plumber and Jane-the-janitor make a decent living?  How can Joe and Jane afford to send their kids to college?  When will America be a net exporter rather than a net importer?

Neither President Obama nor Governor Romney has answered those tough questions.  Until one does, with a convincing argument; we only have the choice of voting against one of them – NOT for something.  And, both will remain in the race.

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