Saturday, December 12, 2015

Candidate Debate Conduct – Take the Microphone away from Donald Trump

Tuesday night is set for another Republican Presidential Debate on CNN. Hopefully, CNN will not repeat its cage match style debate format that it employed during the first debate it hosted. Fortunately, Wolf Blitzer and not Jake Tapper will be the main moderator. Wolf is too smart to repeat the debacle of the first CNN debate. However, due to the outrageous statements that have been made by Donald Trump, questions will need to be posed regarding the positions that he has stated.
The questions should be posed to Mr. Trump directly and not indirectly through his opposing candidates. Any “Trump” question that are asked directly to another candidate should be responded with a: “Mr. Trump’s has a right to his own position. My position is …” As much as possible, every candidate should avoid any statement that gives Donald Trump extra time to respond because he may have been attacked in another candidate’s response.
And, if the moderator gives Mr. Trump extra time merely because someone states; “Mr. Trump has a right to his own position,” the candidates should object on the basis that their response did not take issue with anything Mr. Trump has stated but rather just made a declarative statement regarding their own position on the issue.
This is a strategy to allow thoughtful people discuss the issues we are facing while minimizing the carnival barking as much as possible.
It is time to take the microphone away from Donald Trump!
Donald Trump will never become President of the United States nor will he become the Republican Party’s nominee. American is already too great to have someone as crude as Donald Trump represent it in any way. He will not run as an independent either. He is too much of a “winner” to knowingly take on a position that even he knows will have no chance of doing anything other than hurt the nation by further dividing it. Donald Trump, your best move would be to drop out of the race right now while you are still on top. That way you can forever tell people that you could have been the POTUS but did not want it. The only other alternative is that you flame out and live the rest of your life as a “loser.” It is only Mr. Trump’s repeated invocation of his being a winner and his demeaning of lesser polling candidates that will make him a loser. Other candidates that have conducted themselves with common decency towards their fellow candidates can withdraw at any time with dignity.

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