Sunday, December 6, 2015

The President, Terrorism, Radical Islamism, and a Dream (but it's just a dream)

It has been four days since the terrorist attack in San Bernardino and finally the President has scheduled time to address the nation. His address will be at 8PM EST tonight, Sunday, December 6, 2015. Out of pure frustration, I have dreamed up the address that I would like to hear. Here is my dream …………..
My fellow Americans, this past Wednesday our nation was brutally attacked by a couple of cowards that sought to gain glory by creating a sense of fear that our freedoms are no longer our inalienable right. They used the very freedoms they assailed to perpetrate their act of cowardness. I apologize for not speaking to you sooner. I should have made this address on Wednesday night.
Whereas many if not most Americans believed that this cowardly act was in fact terrorism right from the start, I thought it best to make sure of the facts first. I originally believed that it could just as easily have been an act of workplace violence as it could have been terrorism. I did not want to jump to conclusions and tar the reputation of the perpetrators when they very well may have just been disgruntled people. I jumped to conclusions in the past; as in the Cambridge Massachusetts case where I incorrectly stated that the police had acted stupidly; and in the Trayvon Martin case where I stated that if I had a son that he would look like Trayvon. I should not have prejudiced those cases before the facts were known and I did not want to do that again.
I have contemplated my delay in this particular case and have concluded that this was a case where my quick response was necessary and that I failed in this regard. Fourteen Americans were killed and another twenty-one were wounded. I should not have worried about the reputation of the perpetrators. Even if they were just disgruntled people, they were cold blooded murderers. To be honest, I was also afraid of tarnishing the Muslim faith but I will discuss that in a few minutes. The nation deserved to have a President similar to the French President who took quick, decisive actions to assure the French people that its government was responding with every possible resource to determine the extent of the ongoing threat and to mitigate that threat. Once I realized my failing in this regard, I contemplated other things that I am going to change in order to regain you confidence.
First I am not going to be passive aggressive towards the men and women that protect us every day, the police of our great nation. I have been silent for far too long on this and have allowed some in our society to criticize and even demonize these protectors of law and order. I do believe that people of color have suffered past injustices in our society but I also believe that our society has taken extraordinary steps to address these injustices. Today, a person of color has all the opportunities that our great nation makes available to all its citizens. We as people of color need to take advantage of the opportunities that have been made available to us. We must not point the finger of blame at anyone else if we fail to do so. Black lives do matter but that is because all lives matter; black, white, yellow, brown and blue. There are some bad policemen and we must be vigilant to identify them and remove them from their positions of authority. If necessary, we will bring them to justice. But we must stop demonizing all policemen. At this time of crisis and increased terrorism, we need our police. The very police that are now needed the most have been demoralized because of my lack of support. I hope that this statement reinforces to every man and women in blue that they have my full support and backing and they have the full support and backing of all law abiding Americans. At this time, we need you. We need you to be proactive without worrying about being second guessed.
To people of color, I am not abandoning you. I realize that there are still pockets of racism in our society. There always will be. We must deal with it while recognizing the progress we have made and the opportunities we have gained. With these opportunities, we must now achieve. The achievement of one person of color will aspire ten more. We must pursue this path of individual achievement that will grow into a community of achievement. That is how we will eliminate the inequities that some now see. In the meantime, thank your local police for keeping you safe.
Next, I have to address my obsession with the Muslim faith. I have previously related my wonderful childhood memories of the beautiful call to prayers that I experienced as a little boy in Indonesia. I have gone out of my way to be the champion of the minority and that has included people of the Muslim faith. I will continue to be such a champion, but I now realize that my engineering of the English language is not helping. Many Americans refer to the terrorist threat we are facing as radical Islamist terrorism. I have fought any such identification as I feared that it would incorrectly portray all Muslims as terrorists. Upon self-reflection, I realize that this is wrong. Every group of our society has bad elements. We all realize that one bad Christian does not equate to all Christians being bad people. Likewise we must realize that a group of bad Muslims does not equate to all Muslims being bad people. The San Bernardino female terrorist pledged her allegiance to the Islamic State.  The Islamic State is using a perverted form of the Islamic faith to recruit terrorists. If our enemy calls themselves Muslims, we must also call them Muslims – radical Muslims. To this end, from this point forward I will address the war we are now facing as a war against radical Islamism. I will also direct my entire administration to do the same. We must identify the enemy we are facing it we are to defeat it.
To people of the great Muslim faith. I am not abandoning you. I wish to eradicate the horrific violence that people perpetrate while fraudulently invoking the name of your great faith. Furthermore, I need you to stand with me and all Americans and denounce the radical Islamists as fraudulent postulators of your faith. All Americans must stand with the good people of the Muslim faith as fellow American citizens. As this is a global war, we must also stand with the good Muslims of Syria, Iraq, Libya and wherever else radical Islamists threaten and harm our fellow citizens of the world.
Finally I now realize that my delay in addressing this festering radical Islamist movement has, and will continue to cost American civilian lives. It was my hope that engaging the radical Islamist world with an olive branch rather than with a riffle would stop the radical Islamist attacks against freedom. The attacks in just the past few weeks, Paris, Turkey, San Bernardino, have proven me wrong. We are now under a full-out assault from these radical Islamist terrorists and I must inform all Americans that these attacks will become more frequent and more violent until we remove the scourge from which this terrorism stems – radical Islamism.
The San Bernardino attack is the threat we will face in the homeland. A lone wolf or a handful of lone wolves that live in despair and are somehow touched by the call to radical Islamism. These individuals must seem insignificant to themselves and they must believe that their affiliation with radical Islamism gives them eternal meaning and rewards. I have allowed the image of radical Islamism grow to the point that these lost individuals believe they are teaming up with a cause and even a state that will eventually rule the entire globe. They believe that their act of terrorism will contribute to this end goal of world domination by radical Islamism. My delay in eradicating radical Islamism from the world has allowed this aura of radical Islamism dominance to rise and to persist for far too long. Along with the rise of the Islamic State has been the rise of lone wolves around the world that are now ready to strike us.
We must eradicate radial Islamism by destroying ISIS on the battlefield, take their territory, eliminate their sources of funding, and kill them. We must show the world that goodness will prevail over evil. This will eventually stop the radicalization of lone wolves. However, in the short term, the large number of lone wolves that already exist will lash back at us. We will not only be fighting radical Islamism in Syria, we will be fighting them here at home too.
To protect Americans, I am ordering a full out military campaign to eradicate the Islamic State. I will be coordinating our military actions with our Arab and NATO allies. I am declaring a state of emergency in the homeland just as President Hollande did in France. This will allow law enforcement to more thoroughly and quickly hunt down lone wolves. I am directing the joint chiefs to develop plans for military raids into Libya, West Africa and all other hot spots of radical Islamism. America will cause the radical Islamists to run like rats and to be squashed like roaches. We will create a world where there will be nothing aspirational about radical Islamism.
My fellow Americans, you too must participate in the war against radical Islamism. If you see something say something. We cannot allow political correctness to prevent us from using our common sense that can prevent terrorists’ attacks. Unfortunately, my poor example of over-done political correctness resulted in citizens being afraid of saying something prior to the San Bernardino attack because they were afraid of being stigmatized as anti-Muslim. We are in the battle for our existence, forget about political correctness. 
Americans that are licensed and qualified to use firearms should be prepared to use them. If you are at the scene of a terrorist attack, you can respond immediately. The police will come, but never in time.
Together with our Arab and NATO allies, we will defeat radical Islamism both in their homeland and here in our homeland. We will make the world a safe place again.
Thank you and God bless America.

Okay, it’s just a dream but I bet you’re dreaming it too. The nightmare is that the President has another thirteen months left in office. Imagine how much worse things can get in thirteen months. If the President does not recognize radical Islamism as the existential threat that it is – he should recuse himself as President. The existential threat is actually the President’s blind spot with regard to radical Islamism. With leadership we can defeat radical Islamism. Can we wait thirteen months for leadership?

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