Friday, December 4, 2015

Why Calling San Bernardino Terrorism is Important

Because America is frightened and we need to see decisiveness and action. Instead of action, we have the Confuser-in-Chief making a public statement that “it might be terrorism but it may also be workforce violence.” What Americans are hearing is: "this is no big deal unless we find out some more, so don’t worry about it." But we are not only worried, we are terrified.
Nobody wants to preclude the perpetrators their civil rights of finding out the truth. Maybe they will be cleared of any terrorism related activities. But they will still be cold blooded murderers. The point right now is not their involvement with terrorism, it is that terrorists are among us. The news media have stated that the perpetrators had been radicalized and that they had contact with known international terrorists. Ninety-nine point nine percent of Americans believe that this was a terrorist attack.
Political correctness can and will result in American deaths.
Rather than NOT calling this terrorism until we have fully investigated the circumstances (for who knows how long) – we need to say this is almost certainly an act of terrorism and we are acting as though it was inspired and/or directed by either ISIS or al Qaeda. As a result, we are raising the terror threat and taking all possible actions to protect the American people.
Americans need to know that their government is chasing down every possible terrorist that could be affiliated with this attack. We need to know if there are other planned attacks – or at least that our government is attempting to find out. We need to know that the NSA has traced back everyone these murderers have contacted in the last two years. We need to know that our government is taking this seriously. Confusion is not making anyone (other than the President) feel any better about this situation.
The FBI spokesperson consistently stating that we will follow the investigation where ever it leads us is not comforting. I don’t want us to be following the terrorists. I want to be out front hunting them down before they hunt us down.
Please Mr. President, be a leader and get out in front of this. Protecting the image of American Muslims is not the immediate need right now. The immediate need is the protection of American lives.

Note: Approximately one hour after the above article was posted, the FBI made a statement noting that the investigating is now being conducted under the assumption of an act of terrorism.  However, the President of the United States, almost twenty-four hours after the FBI's announcement has yet to address the nation. We have been attacked Mr. President, where are you?

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