Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Donald Trump is Mr. Scrooge

But little Timmy will never touch his heart. I opined a few months ago that Donald Trump had disqualified himself when he criticized Carli Fiorina’s looks. I believed that personal attack was an insult too far. Now it seems that most Americans believe that the “bar all Muslims” is an insult too far. Welcome to my world view. Glad you could come along. Unfortunately, the die-hard Trump backers will not be deterred. In fact, many of them will be more fanatical in their support for Mr. Trump than ever. This is a shame. It paints a picture of an underbelly of America that has been so infuriated by the current administration’s incompetence that it will support a grotesque man just because he points out the incompetence that we all abhor.
Why do I call Mr. Trump grotesque? Because he has stated: 1) Mexicans are rapists; 2) the Mexican government deports their criminals to America; 3) Jeb Bush has to like Mexicans because he married one; 4) Carli Fiorina is ugly; 5) Megan Kelly is bleeding out of who knows where; 6) other candidates have no right to be on the debate stage because their poll numbers are too low; 7) he Tweeted incorrect statistics on racial crimes; 8) he mocked a disabled journalist, AND 9) because he is a bigot that has called for all Muslims to be barred from entering the world’s most successful melting pot. This is behavior for which most of us would scold our children. It is not the behavior of a president.
Mr. Trump’s campaign is based on his being a “winner.” He will fix everything because he is a winner and to prove it he says “just look at my poll numbers.” His poll numbers are the highest among the Republican candidates because he more clearly than any other candidate identifies the incompetence of the Obama administration and because he is a celebrity that knows “if it bleeds, it leads.”
Sometimes plain talk can subtly covey deep meaning. Sometimes plain talk can be just the babbling of someone out of their league attempting to discuss complex issues. Mr. Trump’s plain talk falls into the category of the latter. Yes, he stirs emotions regarding the issues Americans care about; the threat of terrorism, the slowness of our economic recovery, the porousness of our borders, the rise of ISIS, and the lack of our government to do anything to fix these issue. But to each of these issues, Mr. Trump has stated that he will build a wall, hire great people, be a fantastic military leader and make America great again. Beyond causing some bleeding, Mr. Trump offers no solutions.
Mr. Trump is feeling the heat from the throngs of Republicans who, up to this point, were tolerating his crudeness. I even defended him in a previous article when I took John Harwood to task for asking another candidate during a debate if, when he looks at Mr. Trump “do you see someone with the moral character to be the leader of the free world?” At that point, the question was premature and out of line. Today I believe that the question is appropriate. And, my answer is NO! Mr. Trump does not have the moral character to be the leader of the free world.

And now he will become Mr. Scrooge. Eventually, he will get tired of the harassment that will not go away. He has earned this harassment and he will receive it. Then he will leave the Republican Party, run as an Independent and take 15% of the Republican voters with him. Good riddance. I would rather lose to Hillary Clinton than have Donald Trump represent the Republican Party. Although I am a registered independent myself, I have great respect for the Republican Party. It is the only defense our country has against the craziness of the leftist, progressive movement.

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